Monday, November 14, 2005


Ahhh Come on Namby Pamby's!

What kind of results will Mad Monday deal out?
At least the Bills won.

Is this for comments or just for scores??? MADR feels he still has a chance against the nuclear mutated beetles....rooting for an injury tonight ( I'm sure hoping that kind of karma doesn't come back to haunt him...)
I feel shame. . . I feel I have let people down . . . I will go crawl in a hole now :(
That is exactly the kind of talk that will make karma come back to haunt you. To make up, you must forfeit immediately...immediately.
Did anyone happen to see what S Alexander did yesterday???? Can you let me know? Thanks.
That MADR Super Beetle game is going to be close. Will it be McNabb or Westbrook that is the star tonight. I've ruled out Terry Glenn being the star, because, you know, he's Terry Glenn.

So are the rumors true that Owens was upset with McNabb because he refused his repeated requests for a date???
Is the sleeper getting cocky??
I heard all Shawn Alexander points are null and void because he's stinky. And I said so.
Dang it, but maybe I should have kept Randy Moss.

Go Super Beetles!!!!
I don't see why it would be a problem for me to just add all Moss points for my score.....why should we be getting all technical with first names......I'll take all of Barber's too.
That sounds good to me. I'll just take everyone whose name is Vanderjagt. Doh!
How come the Millson's didn't tell us that Losman moved in next door???? And I thought Yoda said, "Stop throwin' like a girl!"
We've been trying to keep that on the down low. He keeps coming over asking to borrow eggs. We're like dude, we don't have any, but then he sees the chickens and everyone gets kind of quiet BUT HE STILL DOESN'T GET THE HINT. Mostly it's cause Jack still misses Rob Johnson. He doesn't want to make Rob jealous. It's the wookie that say to stop throwing like a girl.
I wonder if the commish has any idea of the kind of pressure he will now be under because of this blob....(and because of the instant gratification society and all that). I want to see all the scores now!!! no pressure...
Your head exploded!!!My head exploded!!! I called aol to complain and came seconds away from throwing my computer into my new big hole waiting for the 13 to change to 14. Then I find out someone is posting on an old thread!!!!!! The horror!!
The Black Sharks of Doom would like to clear up an eroneous point made earlier. We do not miss Rob Johnson. We miss Drew Bledsoe. And Doug Flewtee :-)
Dang it! My guy does all the work and look who gets the touchdown! I was getting ready to call MADR and ask him who this Gordan was when lo and behold darn Westbrook actually gets the ball.

Go Super Beetles!
Whup....there it is....
I'm so excited....another touchdown for Barber!!!
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