Friday, November 18, 2005


Are tomatoes really a fruit?

This kind of bothers me.

to the Raider:

If I trade with you and then end up against you in the playoff there is an even better chance that I will lose and I don't wish to end up in the Toilet Bowl again. I am hoping to come out of the playoffs as one of those teams in the middle who ends their season early.
Morning boogers! I mean bloggers. If you can't cut it up and put it on a fruit salad, bake it in a cake, or cover it in chocolate, it cannot, I repeat, cannot!!!! be considered a fruit!!!
All of the Blazas are "Questionable" this week. Dillon, Stahlwort, Parker, SHOCKEY!!! my only hope is that A) McNabb is out (which he is) and B) Vanderjact stays oput because he is questionable as well. I may have to through one so the SB's can get back in the champion hunt. Let me hear yr thoughts on this one. I am willing to concede for the right price
Do it! Just do it for the good of the league. You know you want to.
Namby Pambys, how about Drew Brees and Antwoin Smith for Peyton? I'll even throw in Antonio Bryant.

Go Super Beetles!!!
the deliberate forfeiture of a game is not within the realm of the rules and will not be tolerated. The Commish.
is anyone interested in a theme within the family for christmas? i think we need to take it up a notch, jazz it up a bit! anyone agree???
I would be down with a theme.
any suggestions elf?
If the theme in anyway involves Broadway musicals, I'm out.
something along the lines of the OFFL league. like have an OFFL x-mas
or maybe "Play Ball!!" or um...
I said nothing about a forfieture. i just said maybe some of my guys wount play this week. Maybe they will have some accidents or something. they owe me
we will have a mauvelous time!!
Just give me their address and I'll have my friend Steve give them a visit.
Are ya kiddin with the theme????? Doesn't anyone else recall the torture of coming up with a theme gift for university ave? You are seriously traumatizing me with this kind of talk!!! And how am I supposed to knit a football???
waddle waddle waddle
i am willing to trade all my good players, if any, for your worst players!!!!
waddle waddle waddle
Yeah, but a theme w/i our family could be fun. And, there is nothing saying you must stay w/i it. Just a guidline. and i know damn well you can knit a football.
then how about a draw? a themed draw
There was mention earlier on this craziness we are referring to as a "blog" about a scrapbook being prepared in anticipation of a trade... is this true?? I have a few trade requests floating around and am hoping to finalize plans. :) Thanks
I'll take them all! Just show me where to sign! Oh, crap, you don't have any. Stop trying to lose the toilet bowl. Although, you arranging the dinner compared to the Raiders, MADR or the Blazers arranging the dinner doesn't sound too bad.

Go Super Beetles!!!
I would be down with a draw.
Namby Pamby's

Pick me ooh ooh pick me!
theme, schmeme. Not too keen on the draw either - but if a draw is to be done, we need to know soon. Realize money issues may be one of the motivators here, but we can just take things down a notch if need be.
here's a theme... Stuff you would get from your wedding registry - i.e. kitchen utensils, towels, sheets, etc. This plus a upper level cap of $30 might be one way to go.
Hey Man, the Blazas would organize a mad good dinner. What with my special brownies. I think i am going to lose bad just to prove you all wrong. Also, do you think i am going to get in trouble for eating all the kit kats i got for my trade w/o sharing them w co-owner Krista Blaze? Cause im heading towards the finish line with them.
mmmmmm...kit kats
maybe the theme should just be kitkats. bags and bags of chocolately delicious
was just harassing the NP's about the scrapbook - I was making one anyway. Since this was done on the blog rather than in secret (which is unamerican and should have been done behind closed doors) I would imagine the team owners union would consider this to be more of a bribe....But I have to check - but I am needing a qb and moss might be good planning for the both of us.
PS - throwing a game is completely ethical and within the rules as long as it is done in secret and behind closed doors....didn't you get the memo?
1918 White Sox, here I come!!!!
Shoeless Joe, that dude in Columbi athat got shot and Johnny Blaze, in the history books. But, they got something for throwing. Dolla dolla billz ya'll! Speaking of that, GO BILLS!!!!!
Shall I say...KIT KATS???? Bags and bags of them. Or perhaps a kit kat spot on my menu?
I'm listening....
I just remembered....I need about 10 pictures of the littlist orrange e-mailed to the little house on the RR tracks when you get a chance.
/loud whisper that I delusionally think no one can hear/ JUST SIT YOUR GOOD PLAYERS. NO ONE ELSE NEEDS TO KNOW.
You shouldn't pick on Cate like that. She's not that short.
Got ya
so i guess the usuper beetles are picking the blazers line up? also, what the heck is a namby pamby? like is it a physical thing? was that what i found in my car after that party at molly's?
Hey, guy on the couch, can you check under it for my remote control. I think I left it there.
you bloggers have been busy today.....
Yo Blazers, do you have any Ween that you could burn for me?????
Mom, Trefoils rock!!!! I want three boxes of those!!!!
I don't feel that's an appropriate question to be asking. Ooohh. You said ween. I thought you said...never mind.
Dude, I have all the Ween there be. I will get a bunch ASAP and i am excited that you asked. They are quote possibly the wackiest band ever. Dean and Gene Ween. I have been a weener for quite some time.
Namby-Pambys v Penguins
Urinal Cakes v MADR
Sleepers v Raiders
Blazers v Super Beetles
Hurricanes v Black Sharks of Doom

Some interesting matchups this weekend. That Hurricanes v BSOD should be a good one. Can the BSOD slow the Hurricanes???? The Namby-Pambys v the Penguins battle it out on the bottom. Can the Raiders overcome the loss of TO and the Priest??? Will MADR be any match for the UCs??? Can the Super Beetles continyue without their emotional leader? Will the Blazers feild a team???

Good luck to all

The Commish
Can I play both of my kikers in the stead of a QB? Also, can i do a defence as a WR?
anyone have an adequate qb to trade for wide receiver eddie kennison?
Oh, your aiming low with Eddie Kennison. I only have two qbs and my backup is Jake "the Snake" Plummer. I think that I need to keep a backup just in case Brady gets injured.
So your dissing me on the Manning for Harrison trade?????? How about Eli Manning for Warrick Dunn????
to dorky dorky dork.

Can we just bring the pictures on Sunday? Or do you need them e-mailed this evening????
ill take 2 boxes of tagalongs and 2 boxes of samoas
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