Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Caitlin Therese! Where are you?

Just sending a shout out cause I think she is ignoring us. Are you to good for this blog? Or is it that you are "above" blogging? Don't make us talk about you!

Is it Sunday yet?
So, Jack is having a b-day party on Sunday? Was I invited via the "Blog"? is that proper 21st century digital etiquette? I am assuming the meal will be served in pill form and there will be parking for my flying car?
As part of the ceremony, is young Mr. Millson required to give up a quarterback? Cause, if so, I'd be happy to accept the burden of such a responsibility.
Jack invited everyone on the phone and on the blog. The garbled message including heavy breathing was not your grandma, but was Jack. There will be no meal unless you pass the test. We will also be handing out Jack his "job" for the remainder of his life in the ceremony of 12's.
The ceremony of 12's includes giving up a reliable quaterback to his mother and only his mother because of the rediculous call I made at the end of the game Monday night. Also because McNabb actually made that darn throw and tried to tackle that darn Dallas guy.
Only 6 and 1/2 hours until Lost.
I have to pass a test!?!?!?!?
I still dont think Jack-man passed the test to be 3! Quien es el dilly, yo?!?!?!
Queso es bueno. Porque, queso esta bueno. Tu madre es un oso. Hemos hecho unicamente cara azul.
Translator.....translator......translator....or will that be Jack's assigned job and we have to wait until Sunday to find out??
your mother is a what??????
Could I have a ceremony of the 35's and someone could tell me what I should do for the rest of my life!!!!!
Tu madre no es un oso. El Oso es peligroso y tiene hambres, tambien
OHHH - so we are starting on the yo mama statements. Well then... you mama so fat that when someone yells "hey Kool-Aid man" she comes crashing through the wall.
Is there anything I may said ceremony of the 12's?
What I ment was is there anything i could bring. Provide? Some type of appitizer or dealy
Why are your faces blue?
Wait, The Giver, right?
I new the ceremony was The Giver, but does that have anything to do with the blue faces?
No, I was just getting that the ceremony was from the Giver. That is all. The blue thing could not be as there was no color in the giver. Only the 2 giver dudes could see it. I think someone just knows how to say stuff about blue faces in spanish. i dont think we should look too deep into it
Mi Diego es peligroso. El dice tan. Hemos hecho comida mucha, para algo es bueno. Gracias. Arana a comer, !no me gusta nada!
im here!!!
i eat poop for breakfast!
yea catie!!!! who're the penguins gonna be whippin up on this weekend? And it's no fair cause you probably understand spanish!!!
by the way, i do not eat poop for breakfast!!!
Excuse Me?!? I do not eat poop for breakfast and am somewhat sickened at the thought. Just thought I should clear that up.

Go Super Beetles!!!!!
Hey kiddo!
50 minutes until Lost.
Lost is for losers!!!!!!! and super beetles!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Super Dung Beetles do eat poo for breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know how McNabb is doing?
Here's what's gonna happen with McNabb: The Eagles are going to see what happend this Sunday, when Mike McMahon will be under center for the free-falling Eagles. If they win, McNabb will rehab the groin injury as quickly as possible and they'll do their best to stay in the thick of the NFC Wild Card race until he returns. However, if the Eagles lose, McNabb will pack it in for the season. He will have the sports hernia surgery soon and then will rest it and the groin injury in hopes of returning for OTA's this spring. So, the question becomes, DUNG BEETLES, would you like Kerry Collins or Ben Roethlisberger. I might be interested in a trade. Other than that, GO IRISH! GO BILLS! GO CAKES!
I'm Brick Tamland. People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and am what some people call mentally retarded.
UGGGGGG!!!! I NEED TO KNOW IF SOMEONE TAPED LOST?????? I didn't get to see it so we can't talk about it. I mean, please don't talk about it!!! Oh yeah, in case you city dwellers were unaware - snow blows!
PS - It's after 8:30 - where's todays blog????
have an opportunity to have a co-worker tape LOST off of TIVO, just let me know.
I heard late last night that McNabb is not playing this weekend as the groin is too bad. He used the word Serious. Yep, Old McNabb w his serious groin. Does not sound good.
Maybe if you had been blogging properly with us the whole time, you wouldn't have to ask for repeat information...

Records after 10 weeks
(Just 4 weeks to go)

NP's 2-7-1
Toilet Cakes - 8-2
Sleepers - 7-3
Blazers - 4-6
Hurricanes - 5-4-1
Super beetles - 7-3
Black Sharks of Doom - 5-5
Raiders - 4-6
MADR - 4-6
Penguins - 3-7
OR... are the Toilet Pastries just trying to rub it in??
whispers Hush
I am gonna win the toilet bowl!!!!!! yay!!!! We will take both trophies home!!!
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