Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Come On Commish!

I need those scores now!

I'm okay. I'll be okay. McNabb will be good to me. 169 yards? What the heck is that phooey?!?! And about half of them to Westbrook!!??!!
Do you see the time on that post?
Looks like I got another 13 points from Barber...Hope the commish doesn't forget to count them.
The Commish can't count. He's a bum!!
Who is Tony Sevales??????? And really, I have an abacus to do my counting for me.
Isn't 30 points from Tiki enough, now you want to steal marion's points too???
I don't think the commish should be blogging. He has scoring to attend to.
OK, the scores for the week are attached and what a week it was with two games comming down to MNF. (as always, please check the scores)

And really, what did McNabb do to himself trying to make that takle??? Philly just self destructed at the end of that game last night.

So, Losman or Holcolm?????

The Urinal Cakes were able to keep winning, handing another defeat to the Namby Pambys (even wit a depleted lineup, the UCs were able to hang on for victory. Does Arizona even pretend to run the ball anymore? The NPs had a score good enough to beat 5 other OFFL teams on Sunday, but unfortunately ran into the juggernaught called the Toilet Pastries)

The Mighty Hurricanes toppled the Raiders. (that Hurricane team, even with another negative day from the QB position, continues to roll. Just think, if the Hurricane had a legit qb, they would have had the high score of the day. And the raider, starting JJ Arrington, things have gotten rough for the raider)

The Black Sharks of Doom just squeaked by the Penguins (check scores for accuraccy)(that running back tandem of James and Portis went a long way on propelling the BSOD to victory. And the Penguin was not helped by the conditions in Chicago. A little too windy to complete any passes. What would Arizona have done if they played in Chicago on Sunday??)

The Sleepers were able to defeat the Blazers for the second time this season (Special thanks to the Super Beetles friend Tanya for the love tap on C Dillon. Thankfully, the Sleepers have S Alexander or they would be planning a dinner)

MADR came up big against the Super Beetles, splitting the season series at one win each (McNabb cooled off on MNF and once again, Westbrook showed that he is the real heart and soul of that agle team. Too bad L Johnson could not find the end zone against the Bills)

The Commish
The scores do not cut and paste well and I must attend to the little one. They have been sent in the traditional way via e-mail
I had my name wrong the first time. You know me better as "The Shield"
Damn Mike Peterson! Damn him to hell! I missed the darn touchdown and thought I was winning all morning. Oh, I have been crushed! Beware Blazers I am coming for you with a vengence. Oh the inhumanity of it all!! A pox upon your players! I really want to put a pox on McNabb but I need him for next week. AHHHHHAHHHH! Why?!?! Why did you throw that ball Donovan? Why?!?!
One - I think you mean Telly Sevales - the bald guy - a/k/a Kojak?

Two - I think deranged lunatic has an issue.
I'm thinking McNabb isn't playing at all next week... didn't you see him hobbling off the field last night. And leave it to Andy Reid to throw the ball in the fourth quarter with the lead.
I only watched until half time so I didn't get to see the horror show. Who the heck got to my good friend Tanya to tell her to take out McNabb?!? Oh I'll find you. If only in my head, I'll find you.
I still don't understand why I can't get all of Barber's points...doesn't seem fair. Yoda told me I could. Doesn't high score at the end of the season get to pick the dessert??? uuuuullll....cream puffs....
The beetles think they can take this? We shall see. My mind knows peace and it seems yrs knows insanity. Patience shall overcome. Although, Mayhapse throwing the game to give the SB's a chance at the UC's w/ an option to have a say in the dinner shall change my playazs. I could easly play Willie Parker and Vick. Maybe even that dude Thom traded me. p.s. I still dont think i got my kit kats
it's not my fault that mom did not have kit kats on Halloween. I was going to snag them and send them your way. If the Namby Pambys are reading this, can you stop by CVS on your way to DHLs and pick up a bag of KKs for Blzrs. If not, I'll have them for you on the morrow.
wasn't Yoda just Kermitt the Frog in costume????
Insane!?! I'm about as insane as GW winning a second term!!! Oh, wait. Doh!
In theory, GW Bush didnt win a second term, '04 was his first. '00 was a sham that he stole. Although, this would appear to nullify yr insanity, as a Doctor of medical science, you are insane. And yes, Yoda was kermit in a costume. Kermit is very wise in the ways of the Jedi. Also, the National Cathedral in Washington, DC is in the old gothic style. On the outside, they made gargoyles representing many of the religions of the country. If you look at them all, there is a Darth Vader gargoyle. Seriously
Oh it's Han
Is this all that you can use my creation for??? Fantasy Football????
Looks like someone watched the Colbert Report last night.
Wanna see a math teacher go crazy? Pi repeats!!!
Pi repeats!!!!!
Ceremony of the 12's? Why is that familiar? Is not that a Mason thing?
The original punisher movie was way better. Did you see my skills in that? Mad Good.
Records after 10 weeks
(Just 4 weeks to go)

NP's 2-7-1
Toilet Cakes - 8-2
Sleepers - 7-3
Blazers - 4-6
Hurricanes - 5-4-1
Super beetles - 7-3
Black Sharks of Doom - 5-5
Raiders - 4-6
MADR - 4-6
Penguins - 3-7
Malcolm Joseph smells like the Super Dome
In case you missed it - The Hurricanes are in fourth place and rising. They are undefeated in their last five games.
Slap. Slap. Slap. I told you all you would kneel before ZOD. As the Stalkers make their move to take over the league.......The icy pink mints will fall!!! Superbeetles will kneel before ZOD (just in case you forgot).

GO Steve Buschemi!!!
The Drunk relative has obviously gone from booze to something a bit stronger. Like battery acid. It has eaten through his scull and taken away any possible brain function. The Super Beetles (a.k.a. Death Star) let you get away. How do you explain the ease of your escape. It's the only explaination. You had better hope you can get to Molly Pumpkin (the rebal alliance) and use the information in the R2 unit to prepare for your next battle.
It's all part of the master plan....continue sucking until you get first pick in all the waiver drafts.....I'm pretty certain it worked to MADR last year!!!!! (who by the way I don't know so I take no responsibility for his blobbing)
who didn't clue me in to the Cafe Cookies from the Girl Scouts earlier. I would have ordered a whole case.
Samoas!!!!!!!!!!! I need them!!!!!!!!!!! Cookie monster is only allowed fruit. Cookies are a sometime snack. Moderation Cookie Monster. Give your cookies to the cookie junkie.
sometime snack, my arse!!!
Sam'oa what?
Long time reader, first time blogger. Someone is messing with me. There are 2 pots of coffee at work todfay and they are both decaffinated!!! WHAT THE DILLY, YO!!!! its like peace keeping missles or something
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