Sunday, November 27, 2005


Get the party going on the Dance Floor!

Was that the Blazers I saw at that Disco Dance?
You know you were there!

what, wern't you all doing the mashed potato????
How about those Stanford Cardinal??? Making ND sweat like that? I think that Charlie W made a deal with Stanford at the end of that game. I think that they are going to float a couple of million over to Stanford for them letting up on that last drive.

By the way, do I get Brady Quinn's points??? (Tom Brady Quinn)????
Good luck to all.
I don't see why you shouldn't get his points....I don't think we should be so particular...first name, last name, it's all the same...
Can there be anymore commercials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel I should just get all the points. Why worry ourselves about names? Hurray! I win! All bow down to me!

Go Super Beetles!!!

What a crap call! It's a conspiracy.
Dang It!
Dang It!
Answer: Why yes, they really are that bad.

Question: Are the Bills really that bad?

Who is Bennie Anderson and is he really the best option at left guard?? I think that inviting Ross Tucker back would be an improvement. This id the best that Tom Donahoe can do???? Heads should be rolling!!!!!!
That last throw by lose-man looked a bit to much like he wanted the panthers to win. AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!
My name's not's Jack Bauer.
WooHoo!! GO OT!!
No mas!!! I can't watch anymore football this weekend..... I give up. You finally broke me.
So, who has R Fitzpatrick???? I think that I picked him up in the last draft and started him today, right??
Are the scores done yet?
OK, who was responsible for "Let the good times roll"?? This was done before. I recall leaving with the same six pack of Rolling Rock, Yahtzee and a cd of 50's music that I came with.

Is this what the theme has come to? I believe that I shall stay in retirement from the mayham.
It's Let the Good Tomes Roll as the motto for New Orleans so gifts should have a New Orleans, Jazz, Cajun, ect. feel to them....we can just rename the theme New Orleans is sinkin'!
I think that may even be worse. Can I give a framed copy of the Sodom and Gamorah story from the bible???
The Penguins actually broke the 100 point mark!!!!!!

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