Thursday, November 17, 2005


Happy Birthday Jack!

Let the ceremony of 12's begin!

I hope Molly Pumpkin got to work okay today. If only the band moved a bit further north...Dang it!
I have Lost taped if you need "IT". I will refrain from speaking of "IT". But should you need "IT" just let me know. However in order to get "IT" you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forrest with...a herring! Oh please!
Isn't trading with the UC's like making a deal with the devil?
Happy Birthday Jack-man!!! What did you get for me? Hope you took the day off of school. Looks like now yr old.
Let me tell you a little something about deals with the Devil. That Mephestopholese, he'll get ya in the end
Happy Birthday Jack. You are welcome for all the snow.
But Mother Nature, you put the snow in the wrong place! And at the wrong time! I was able to prevail and Jack still had to go to school! And now noone will believe he has snow at his house. Bwaahaahaahaa bwaahaahaahaa bwaahaahaachochocho. ack.
Make a deal with me
I remember when our little Jack was just a baaaaabbby!!! He's so grown up now! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!! (even though you had to go to school....)
And by the way, foolish Molly decided to drive in to work today....if only I hadn't tried so hard to get out of the's all dad's fault...
I really really really really need the tape of "IT". I will bring you the mightiest tree from my yard!
ps when the drunk relative saw this the first day he said, "don't any of you work???"
Really, do any of you work???

Just wanted to wish Jack a happy birthday :)
when i saw this the first day i proclaimed "is that it?"
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Mike Williams has a world of potential. I refuse to refer to his acquisition as a failure in any sense of the word. So what if we thought we were getting a franchise left tackle? So what if we thought we would at least get a solid right tackle? Whattya mean he can't stay healthy? He is too one of the best five linemen on this team. I don't know how much cap-relief cutting him would bring us. GO BILLS!
cutting that fat, lazy #@!&*%@*! would bring us $8.2 mil. but who's counting?
All trade proposals will be taken into consideration and a decision will be based on what will keep me out of "the biggest loser" category. Here are some proposals that I have, but as I said ... all will be reviewed for their own strengths.

P.Manning for D.Brees and L. Jordan or another WR from the Super Beetles.

P. Manning for M. Harrison from the Hurricane.

P. Manning, H. Ward and S. Davis for T. Brady and S. Smith from the Sleepers.

I can use a second RB or a top 10 WR - so keep that in mind while drafting your proposals.
Happy Birthday Jack!!!
I smell like poop!
Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident!
I got rid of the line-up page because apparently some "blog challenged" individuals did not understand the concept of LINE-UPS. Come on people! Work with me! You know about my obsessive compulsion. Although it was fun to use the control part of my obsession illness.
I'm a fire engine! Whoooowhooooowhooooo!
My boogars are salty.
Oh boy! Sleep! That's where I'm a viking!
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Ixne on the ickvay trade. I play the uber beatles and dont need my dood going the distance. and seriously, i am not wearing pants.
Just to let you know OFFL AND Super Beetles would nbe a googlewack, but the blog has not been picked up by google yet, however, on alltheweb if you search OFFL and Super Beetles, this BLog is the only web result????
How dare you say that Malcolm. For shame. You and I are going to fight
What do you you're not wearing any pants?! And what do you mean you don't need your doods to go the distance?!!? I hope this means you're throwing in the towel and not dissing the Super Beetles. Let the "go super beeltes" begin!

Go Super Beetles!!!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone. Go Black Sharks of Doom!

P.S. Even though I am 5-4 I am going to crush you all. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA coughcoughcough.
No, I ment I do not want my d00ds going the distance for you. If i were to trade you Vick, that is. PS. Jack you are not 5-4
OH, i thought you ment yr height.
Happy Birthday to the co ownwer of the Black Sharks of Doom.
I have two questions for anyone who would like to take a shot

1) You're at a specific point in a country on a continent in the world. You're not on an island. If you travel in a straight line 300 kilometers (186 miles) in any direction, you would no longer be in the country you started from. What is the largest country in the world you could have started from?

2)(for you math geeks) If a simply connected polyhedron has 92 vertices and 150 edges, how many faces does it have?
I may have to take the Namby Pambys up on the trade offer. If it includes a change in the dipering agreement.

To the BSOD. Who are you wide receivers?????
Hey!!! Enough talk about this trade!!!! I already started the scrapbook!!!!
I got Rudi Johnson on the table for you Namby Pambys.
I can dress myself!
I find this all very disturbing
The disturbing part is that you are up at 12:20AM, eating cheetos in your skivies and blogging.
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