Thursday, November 24, 2005


Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a wonderfule day everyone!
Eat lots of turkey and pumpkin pie but drive safe.

Comments: only I had said outloud for the past month that if it snowed I wasn't going......foiled again!!!

There is a mouse in my house and it really isn't nearly as cute as the book......please note that the book did not show little mouse turds everywhere!!!!
Hey.....did everybody else forget about this???? It took me an hour and a half to get my stupid internet connected and all I get to read is my own posts!!!! Gosh!!! Ok nevermind....I'm gonna go check and see how many points Witten got today....hip hop hurray ho...Had a great day with the family I saw and missed the ones I didn't!!! Love you all!
UC I'm comin' for ya!!!! While Mr. Dunn was a letdown (must have been the triptophan) (yeah I know - it's an overused coment around thanksgiving time) but anyway, even though Dunn was a letdown, Witten showed up strong!! Where's Tanya when you need her?????!!!!!!
I guess I'm hella-lame since this is clearly my very own blog for the day. Today I am thankful that the administrator opened up the day...I've got a spoon under my pillow and my pjs on inside out (ok. ok. it may have just happened that way but it still should count!!) I hope everyone has their finger's crossed....and for anyone who's interested, the answer is No. Golden Retrievers do not catch mice. I'd have been much better off cat sitting....
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