Thursday, November 10, 2005


Orrange Fantasy Football League

Welcome OFFL Members!

Are dogs taking over the world? The true story about man's best friend.
Go Super Beetles!!!!!!!!!
I am pleased that a blog actually exists as I was concerned that the word was merely in reference to my weight.........The horror of an accidental typo was consuming my psycho...I mean, cancel that, I did mean psycho.
...that the Hurricanes are speaking. Generally because my internet connection is much too slow to actually create a name. So I will continue to be anonymous. Oh yeah, should I say something about fooseball? Tom- please do noy jinx my winning streak. If I can keep it a secret from the Stalker juju long enough, I just may not have to plan a dinner....wait a minute, that is actually my favorite thing....I just may have to tank this game.
hi super beetles!!! you guys rock!!!
To post a name with out signing in, just hit other instead of anonymous. I think. Here goes nothing. :-)
I's still a bit concerned about Tom's team. He really needs help. Someone out there needs to give him some help with a new kicker or defense in exchange for Steve Smith or Shawn Alexander. Those two are really holding him back. I don't think we have anything to worry about this week with the Toilet Receptical Pastry Thingies. The Namby Pamby's should pretty much whoop up on them.

Go Super Beetles!!!!!
Molly Pumpkin, I do think Tom messed up already and gave you the juju by even mentioning that you were the one to watch out for. I would start some weird rituals if I were you. I have live chicken's know...

Go Super Beetles!!!
all you other teams bow down to the black sharks of doom. Pay me in presents or cookies and i will be merciful. Go Black Sharks of Doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear joeyjoejoeshabado,
Doomed!! Well you may not be doomed but there is an issue as some of us cannot make cookies.(actually I may be the only one who cannot make cookies but why get so technical). I'm sure Tom will be happy to hear that I have, in fact, acquired a kicker who actually plays in the league (baby steps steps). If only I could find a quarterback who could distinguish team colors....And please keep in mind that I have been on sabbatical this week so all of this thinking is creating a twitch.
Ummm.. you were awake and blogging prior to 8:00am on a Saturday??? I have to work and was not even up at that time.

Ummm.... you created an OFFL blog???? It is quite possibe that you are nuts, not Tom Cruise.
The Goldfish of Happiness are so wonderful. Perhaps for 10 dozen cookies he would be willing to trade P burress to the sleepers for K McCardell??? Or maybe for 10 dozen cookies the Hurricanes would be willing to trade Larry Johnson to the Sleepers for Fred Taylor????
Really, any takers on the 10 dozen cookies for a lopsided trade???

They can all be Chocolate Chip or a mix of CC and peanut butter or snickerdoodles????

That would be 120 cookies (and not mini cookies either)
I really am looking for a solid second wide receiver and perhaps a second running back. I don't have too much to offer. Unfortunately, Steve Smith and Shawn Alexander can not be traded (something about a no trade clause in their contracts and they are refusing to waive)

I don't have much to offer in terms of playes, unless I can interest someone in Nate Burlson or Tyson Thompson????
Those 20 dozen of cookies are sure tempting, but the name Nate makes me cringe in fear. Tyson Thompson?!!??!!? I have hives already. What are you thinking man! I'm disappointed that your guys aren't waivers. Very rude.

Go Super Beetles!!!! :-)
10 dozen cookies should definately trump a horrible football player, besides Nate Burlson is just about ready to break out

Go Sleepers!!!!!!!
Break out of the closet? And admit that he would rather crochet then play football? Now that would be a shocker.
Does it ever bother you when you say something like "Luke, I am your father" and the only other person in the room chuckles and says "yeah, that was good. Who said that?" And you're like dude, I just said that, what, are you a blind idiot? I'm right here in front of you. But then you realize it IS you grandma and she IS kind of blind, so you sort of feel bad, but you still don't get why she didn't see you talking when you were right there in front of her. It kind of bothers me.

Go Super Beetles!!!! :-)
Perhaps the Namby-pambys would like to make a trade for Eric Moulds or Deion Branch??? I may have to start working for the interhousehold trade, seeing as all of the other owners are being unrealistic. I'm not sure why anyone would turn down 10 dz cookies and Nate Burlson for Chad Johnson.

Maybe MADR would take that trade for Rod Smith or the Hurricanes for Marvin Harrison?????
Umm... no, that has never happened to me. Maybe it was because you were throwing your voice.

While we are on the subject of Star Wars. I have decided to not recognize the second three movies (by second three, I mean Episode 1, 2 and 3) Really where is the clever dialog, the characters that you can connect with. Come on, there wasn't even a hero in the the last three, just some lameo story about how Vader came about. I really don't think that such a badass like vader came from such a namby pamby like atikin.
So, these trades of Larry johnson for Kasay and Kerry Collins for K Johnson. Were they really fair. As the Commissioner, I think that we need to decide if they should be negated. I think a couple of teams are just trying to make themselves better at the expense of the others. I'm not sure, but it is looking a bit like that????
Star Wars? Who was talking about Star Wars? I cannot speak to you about such matters. You, sir, are a hater. I cannot speak to a hater about such manners. Keep those matters close to your vest, young man. >:-( You have made me use a mad face. I hope your happy.

Go Super Beetles! :-)
Larry Who???? You try making up for the fact that you actually drafted a second string kicker....bad dream....the horror....oh the horror....And since joeyjoejoeshabado was unavailable.....
You started it with your "Luke, I am your father" comment, not me. I was just stating that there are no good lines in the second three (by second three I mean Episode 1, 2 and 3)
so does anyone have a reference question they need answered???
Oh yeah, I would gladly take one for the team and eat 10 dozen cookies.....but really, peanut butter??? Only if they are somehow encased with chocolate. Unfortunately, Pete has absconded with my lists so I will have to figure out who is available later on.....and I did want to ask people to refrain from talking about football players because I have no idea what you are saying....p.s. I'm in this for the desserts...
I may have to throw the towel in. A feast of desserts really is very tempting.
a research question for the commish.....please post the top 3 rushers, qb's, wr, etc along with the NFL team and the OFFL owner. In case you have some free time. For all of you fooseball fans who already know this like the back of your hand, keep in mind that I'm just trying to keep the sleeper awake and I am in it for the desserts.....
I just want it on the record that I traded for Larry Johnson before Priest Holmes went down. My lovely sister was in need of a kicker and if you notice, I only have one running back for this week. I can't help it that Tanya Harding took my joke seriously and cracked Priest in the head with that tire iron. Really, who would have thought that she would really do that.

Go Super Beetles! :-)
Stressed spelled backwards equals
desserts. I think we are on to something here.
aaaahhhhhh....(I can't come up with the right letters to recreate the sound....would you research this??)....she said I was lovely.....
top 3 qb's (passing yardage)
D McNabb, Phi, Super beetles
T Brady, NE, Sleepers
C Palmer, Cin, UCs

top 3 rb (rushing yards)
S. Alexander, Sea, Sleepers
E James, Indy, BSOD
L Tomlinson, SD, UCs

top 3 wr (receiving yards)
S. Smith, Car, Sleepers
S Moss, Was, Hurricanes
C Johnson, Cin, Super Beetles

top 3 total touchdowns
L Tomlinson, 15, SD UCs
S Alexander, 14, Sea, Sleepers
S Davis, 11, Car, NPs

Feild goals
N Rakers, 26, ariz
R Lindell, 17, buff, Sleepers
J feeley, 17, NYG,
(it appears that Rakers and Feely are not on a team)

Tight ends (by receiving yardage)
A Gates, SD, Super Beetles
J Shockey, NYG, Blazers
E Kinney, Ten, NPs

Did you need any others?? did you only want the top 3??
Thank you Mr. Commissioner....I just thought it would be cool....but keep in mind this is coming from the person that spends most of her time on the internet or working on scrapbooks so cool may be a relative term.......I'm in it for the chocolate!
I too am in it for the chocolate. How can I not be.
I am not crazy!!!!!!!!!!!

Please remove fluffy kitties

Oh, you don't think I have my minions keeping close eye on the internet for just such offenders as yourself????? I have my eye on you.

By the way, what is with this super beetle thing???
I don't superbeetle what you are superbeetling. Superbeetle, superbeetle malcovich superbeetle superbeetle.

Go Super Beetles!!!!

P.S. Tom Cruise, you are SO crazy and SOOOOOO crazy.
I lost another tight end. First I draft Eric Johnson and he ends up out for the season, then I trade for Brn Troupe and he injures his ankle, now Chris Baker is out for the year with a broken leg. I'm forced to play Heath Miller who has Charie Batch as his quaterback. He'll be lucky to have any receptions!!!!!
Upon rethinking my tight end prediciment. It does not come close to the Raiders who lost TO and Priest Holmes. Sorry, for my self pity.
I lost my tight end too......but I think that's just gravity.....
Do we have some rule that states if you lose two of your players in one week, you get to pick players from other peoples team? If we don't, we should. Dumb-ass T.O. can't tell his stupid ranch tooth to shutup, and it turns out that Priest Holmes is a pussy, come on, a concussion, Romo said he had dozens, and is presently only experiencing mild memory loss. And while I am on the subject of T.O., he sure of hell didn't apologize to me!!!!!
The Raiders shall be banned from blogging until they learn how to keep the potty mouth in the proper forum.

Go Super Beetles!! :-)
Many people believe dogs are taking over the world. The evidence against man's best friend is startling. Three people already have been involved in suspicious accidents. In all of the accidents secret dog hideouts were discovered under the house of those people. Shockingly, actor, psychologist and scientologist, was discovered to have a secret dog hideout which seemed to be the meeting place for the canine commanders. His house was raided for evidence. Unfortunately, only fluffy kitties were found. Twenty in each room to be exact.

The Black Sharks of Doom will always Triumph!!!!!!!
I think that it would be just fine if the Raiders were able to collect some new players from the 1st and 2nd ranked seems only fair.....
I think that definately not molly has a point. I think that the Raiders should be able to take one player from each of the top two teams. It really is the only fair way to do it.
if the toilet pastries win solely on the back of Kerry Collins, I think I am going to protest the trade of him for K. Johnson who is a half rate wide out. I think the pastries are using the penguins as a farm club in fear of what I might do to their record this week.

P.S. Really - in whose book is A. Brooks better than K. Collins - come on!!!

P.S.S. - GO NAMBY PAMBYS!!!!!! (now that would be a yelling cheer)
Is anyone out there interested in a trade????? I really need a number two wide receiver.

I could also use a decent number two running back.

10 dozen cookies!!!!!!!

I would go to a gross of cookies for the right player!!!!!

I'm getting closer to making the deal for Eric Moulds, but the NPs are requesting a very steep price. (enough said)

(and it is supossed to be very windy in Ralph Wilson Stadium tomorrow)
I think -not molly- is a bit addled in the head. She--or he-- must have been dropped on her--or his--head when she--or he--was a baby. Now, if perhaps team members were taken from the first and the third teams, that would be okay.

Go Super Beetles!!!!! Not because I am, just because they are so cool.
Dearest Sleepers, I think you have turned people off with your no steve smith and no shawn alexander. You are going to have to anti up, and not just with cookies. How about Steve Smith for Antwoin Smith and Terry Glenn. I'll even cut the deal to 5 dozen cookies. A viable running back and wide receiver. You have to give in order to receive...or get a receiver. ;-)

Go Super Beetles!!!!!!!!
but if I got rid of Steve Smith, then I would need two receivers.

A bagel (and an injured randy moss) was all that was needed for Chad Johnson, the number three receiver in the NFL. I figured that a massive amount of cookies should be worth something.
I beginning to think that there is a conspiracy against the Sleepers, even the Namby Pambys are resorting to extorsion in the trade talks
I gave an improved Randy Moss AND Rudi Johnson my number one running back for Chad Johnson. The Raiders needed players and understood that if you want something you have to be willing to pay. You want some players but you don't seem to be willing to anti up. I'll throw in Antonio Bryant for the other receiver.
If I give up Steve Smith or Shawn Alexander, my team would not be very competative. Even if I received two players who were in the top 10-15. They have carried my team to a respectable number 3 at week 10. I think that I will take my chances at staying in the playoff hunt with my current roster and hope for a bit of luck in the playoff and Super bowl. Maybe by that time the Eagles will have been eliminated from the playoffs and McNabb will have gracefully gone off for surgery and maybe the Bengals will have clinched early and have decided to sit Carson Palmer and Chad Johnson for the last few games.....
Hold strong Namby Pamby's! You are on a roll! Get some good players from him. If he needs something he should have to give you something worthwhile, not someone you are going to bench!

Go Super Beetles!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You wouldn't happen to have Steve or Shawn's home address would you? My good friend Tanya was just wondering...

Go Super Beetles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What like last year when I drafted Steve Smith and he went out for the year with a broken leg??? Was that Tanya on the sideline????
Namby Pamby's,

The Raiders are still contesting the trade in which MADR got Leftwich for BRANDON LLYOD!!!!???!!! from The Black Sharks of Doom. His own son a trader to the cause. Where was the commish in that trade?

Go Super Beetles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How about Julius Jones and Greg Lewis for Chris Brown and Antonio Gates??
The Commish is sure that Leftwich for Lloyd was not as lopsided as some of the other trades. A kicker for a running back?????
I don't know what your are talking about. Tanya who? So I'll assume that she has Steve's address, so what about Shawn?

Go Super Beetles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Sleepers!!!!!!!!!!!
I will again present my only kicker.....was on the second string!!.......And the trade worked fine for me. I would never disgruntle the only person in my life who makes a cream puff actually filled with cream!! I do have an offer....I will trade just about anyone for anyone and in return, I need a four foot by four foot hole dug for my laundry drain before the ground freezes... and it's dirty and smelly and fills with water as soon as you dig anything....the onsite contractor's jobs this weekend included putting up drywall, putting insulation in a garage and wiring a barn. Please note that none of these took place at 932 Cain Road. And even though I would be the one making out splendidly in this deal, I would like a cookie (keep in mind that additional favors may be utilized in each of the owner's homes to facilitate the actual digging of the hole, however, I do not wish to be informed...)
I'd dig a hole to China for Harrison
THe internet is a vast almost endless chunk of information that can be used to solve almost any problem and here yuo all are.... Blogging. Wasting valuble intranet space talking about football?!?!?
Is this a whole blog about Super Beetles? Do they realy exsist? Ought I be afraid? What the dilly is a namby pamby?
Seriously, How 'bout them Bills?!?!?! Go Bills!! That's all I have to say.
And it s about time we had a blog. Now I can share all me feelings and thoughts w the OFFL.
The Super Beetles are going down this comming weekend. Although some insects can survive their blood freezing and being thawed out, none can survive a "Blazing". It's too bad really. Beetles, The Blazas are gonna show you yr not that super. Prepare to be toasted
The Blazers are so high right now that they are on the wrong part of the blog. I think the Super Beetles are feeling a warm, gentle breeze eminate from the "Blazers". Maybe they'll decide to kick it up a notch for next week.

Go Super Beetles!!!
Wrong part of the Blog? Is there a smack talking arena? I guess I am not as well versed in the "Blog" as some nerds may be. Where ought I be laying this down?
Does anyone else think that the fantasy football is harming the sport? Instead of promoting the solidarity of teh team, we are selling out the player. Do we care if San Diego wins or if LT gets big points. Is the NFL just using our love of interpersonal games to market more football games to us? We watch for our players, not for our sport
No way man!! I wouldn't be watching any of the sport without the fantasy league. I mean, GO BILLS and all but I sure wouldn't have been glued to the skins game. Waitin' for Moss.....what a letdown.....only one touchdown???How'd that suppose to help my fantasy score???? (irony, irony, irony!!ironing!)
Stop writing on this page! It's old news! We are now on November 14th. Don't you understand how you are upsetting my anal obsessive compulsion! I need control and all this writing on whatever page you feel like does not give me a sense of organization. Oh great, I think my head just exploded. I hope you're happy cause now I have to clean up that mess before I can continue on any other venture. By the way, who the heck is "San Diego"? Is he another running back I can draft? Is he good? What college is he from? What are his stats? I hope I can get him. I still need to clean this head explosion off of me, but then I'll be back to check out this guy "San Diego". He wouldn't by any chance be related to "San Francisco"? would he? Just wondering.
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