Tuesday, November 29, 2005


The Pythagorean Theorem

What's not to love?!?

The fact that I cannot pronounce it.
When do my guitar lessons start?
You need to lose a finger first. Then the learning may begin

Also, It is my goal this year to put the "Chan" back in Chanika so everyone expect Jacki Chan movies.
Does doom and Gloom actually watch the office???? That is one of the most bizzare shows ever. I reall do not know what to think about it.
I work with Dwight......
I am working on finalizing the scores and will try to get them out today. MJO is attempting to make it a difficult process.

As for the family Christmas, I think that we need a vote or something to figure out which way we are going.

There will be tea leaves all over my floor soon.
I think that I worked in an office full of Dwights. I'm so glad that I am a former office worker.

I have to go now, I have a meeting with the Bobs
I just have teenage girls, no Dwights or Bobs. I do have many Erins, Katherines and Lindsays. I also have a Cece, Beege and T.K.

Go Super Beetles!!!
That Pythagorus was a fraud. He stole all of his math from the Persians
Blasphemy! I am outraged! By the way, it is evil to eat beans.
Stupid crusades destroying all types of knowledge.

If you type in "orrange" in the blogger search, there is one for one of the tonawanda orranges and Shawn orrange's blog about being back in buffalo. just letting you know.... and i showed the blog to maggie, again, just letting ya'll know
You have lost your blogging priveledges. You have brought shame upon us.
Oh what a weekend for football. Really, four overtime games?? All of those extra points flying around out there.

The Namby Pambys have defeated the Sleepers (Come on, last week Drew Brees rips apart the Buffalo defense and this week they only throw the ball to Steve Smith 4 times???? What were those cats thinking. Actually, the Sleepers contactwed their players and told them to go easy on the NPs)

The Urinal Cakes crushed the Hurricanes (if only the people of New Orleans knew it only took a few toilet pastries to stop a hurricane. Whats with Tomlinson, can he be stopped?? and the QB situation for the Hurricanes looks grim)

The Raiders lost to the Super Beetles for the second time this season (see Toilet Pastries, this is how it is done. Are the Bills really that bad or did Drew Brees have the game of his life last week? There have been allegations of point shaving going on here. It will investigated)

The Penguins defeated the Blazers in a close one (If only that darn Corey Dillon would play.)

MADR overcame qb problems to hand another defeatto the Black Sharks of Doom (Oh, how the once mighty BSOD have fallen. The Sleepers are concerned that Alge Crumpler has been on the bench all season. Oh how I tried to make a trade for Mr. Crumpler that did not involve S Alexander, although looking back I think that there was a E James, A Crupmler for Alexander that I did pass up????? What was I thinking??)

I will send the rankings at a future point. Only two more weeks left. And only seven more shopping days until my birthday.

for those of you keeping score at home, yes I did end up with tea all over the floor.
TThere you go Cait. We split it. Who likes smoked penguin anyway.

But, I do feel in the mood for smoked black guppies. hehehe We're comming for ya Black Sharks. We got yer number. The Blazers are gonna get ya.
Who are the Hurricanes playing next week - it doesn't really matteer - I'm comin' to get ya!!!
Week 13

Namby Pambys v MADR
Urinal Cakes v Raiders
Sleepers v Hurricanes
Blazers v Black Sharks of Doom
Super Beetles V Penguins
It seems that the Hurricanes are talking a big game, let's just see how you do on the field....

Maybe you'll have a quaterback next week... or not. Ha Ha
So Jack-man is the home team, eh? I'll beat ya on yer own terf. I don't care. Taking you down-town to China town....buddy!

p.s. Fight the power
The Beetles are gonna...uhm...super?...all over the Penguins...something like that. Anyway, Penguins, you are going down! Put your Raid can away cause it won't work on me!

Go Super Beetles!!!

I am the T-rex of the bug community an penguin sounds mighty tasty! (not really, but I'm coming after you hard!)
Jack, I will go easy on you for my choice of a Christmas present of yours. (Please note I made no mention of with holding one, just taking an already given one) The choice is yrs, buddy. I'll give you some time to think about it. This message will self-destruct in 5..4..3..2..1 KABLAM-O!!!!
Jack is in school and is not allowed to respond to blogging until all homework is completed. However, he plans to douse the Blazer's flame and unbench Alge Crumpler. All fear the wrath of the Black Sharks of Doom and an unbenched Crumpler.
waddle waddle waddle squish squish squish....
crunch crunch crunch
Hey, no responding to my threats for other people. Now i have to whoop on the BSOD cause their mom had to stick up for them. Is that what this league is about? I thought it was about smack talking and possible blood feuds. You know, vendetas and the like.
I was especially distraught to learn the hurricane season officially ends today....poor planning on my part.
step...step...door slam...vrooom...vrooom...squeeel...crash....thud...thud...thud...anyone want a penguin filet?...mashed penguin?...squished penguin?...penguin crushed beyond recognition?...didn't think so...rattle...rattle (super beetle crushed penguin being thrown into a garbage can.

Go Super Beetles!!!
I'm am very disturbed by all of this.
Urinal Cakes 9-3 1372
Super Beetles 9-3 1312
Sleepers 8-4 1080
MADR 6-6 1100
BSOD 6-6 1085
Hurricanes 5-6-1 1071
Namby Pambys 4-7-1 1015
Raiders 4-8 1119
Blazers 4-8 1008
Penguins 4-8 937

Oh the playoff picture is beginning to clear up. Just two more weeks left in the regular season. (Who knew MADR was moving up so quickly?? They are on a four game winning streak. And the BSOD would have that last playoff spot if Crumpler wasn't in the doghouse) (Can the NPs pull out a couple of victories to stay out of the toilet bowl playoffs and not repeat as biggest loser???)

Oh the drama
wait....I thought I was winning.....seriously...
The two game losing streak has hurt the Hurricanes chances. after the five game unbeaten streak, you have stumbled a bit.
I demand a recount! I am positive Brees got me 61 points this week!
No time for love.

The theme should be Bombay
Well Blazers you have unleashed the fury of the Black Sharks. Mom or no mom, I will crush you so horribly, you will not be able to... well you get the idea.

Go Black Sharks of Doom

P.S. I didn't do my homework yet.

I have none. I detest being called the guppies. I will vent my wrath upon you. Abandon all hope ye who blog about me. Doom I say to you. DOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!
Did you hear about the dude in Philly who ran out onto the field dumping a bag of powder behind him? It turns out it was his moms ashes. She loved the eagles i guess.

Just so everyone knows, i want to be cremated and i love the Bills!!!
I'm not afraid of you Jack-man. Nor am i afraid of the Black tailed mollies of spoons. You think yr clever having a fish name and drafting Alge? Think again. Smoked guppy anyone?
I awoke this morning refreshed and ready to go. The mattress was not too soft, not too hard. The air has a faint smell of pine, I assume from the local saw mill. This seems to be a great place to be but as you know, all too well, that the true test is that first cup of coffee.
waddle waddle STOMP STOMP STOMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......ewwww
If anyone happens, in the misadventures in ebay or the like, 65watt Dell inspiron 1150 power adapter, please pick it up and i will get you back. I do not think they make them anymore rendering my laptop useless. THNX
Just so you all know. I decided that this year I am throwing it so that the party will be done right. Apparently it takes a man to make sure things are done appropriately, so if you are playing bring your "A" game, because I prefer to bring my "D" game, because we all know D=Diploma.
maybe a man in a dress
Molly, You could technically change your name to the 'Typhoons' now, because hurricanes are referred to as typhoons in the Pacific.
Я сидела молча и слушала его, слушала наводнение обвинений в мой адрес, наводнение грязи, какая я плохая, и который мне нуждаться меняться, сколько ни безраздельно здравый мужчина в своем уме не потерпит такую женщину, чистый я... Он сказал, что промеж нами весь кончено. Сколько сроду не любил меня, и хоть и пытался зиждить со мной отношения, чтобы него это был просто секс и ничто более... Я плакала, просила, воеже он не говорил таких жестоких вещей, потому сколько они разбивали мое сердце. А он... он сидел с надменным лицом и продолжал добивать меня словами. Стоило мне чуть поверить человеку, относительный меня еще вытерли ноги. Простой несказанно тяжело на душе... [url=http://profvesti.ru/o-stroitelstve-svoimi-rukami.html]строительный портал казахстана[/url]
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