Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Snails can sleep for THREE years!


I may be an exclamation point freak! I'm getting diagnosed this weekend!

Go Super Beetles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
toes are cool!!

and so is Jason
Yeah, I have to go to the doctor too. I think I have Pac-Man Fever. Feel my head. ahmp ahmp ahmp. dee doo dee doo
maybe I'm a snail!!!!!!!
I will salt you all and your snail ways!!!! BWAHHHHH HA HA!!!
I have a yelling boy next to me. I will try to e-mail the scores shortly.

I have to recount the MADR v UC game. It appears very close.
mmmmm...little blue ghosts
but tell us!!! Who do you think won?
I can not reveal that as of yet. I would not want to get anyone's hopes up just to dash them against the jagged rocks of reality
Let's go space truckin'. Come on.
Jagged rocks! Jagged rocks!
Remember rosters for next week need to be in by wednesday. Come on Blogmaster, where is the Week 12 roster thread?????

There were lots of points scored in the OFFL this week, but only one close game. It seemed that the blowout was the order of the day.

The Namby-Pambys finally get back in the win column with a victory over the struggling Penguins. (It appears that the Penguins may want to plan a dinner???? They only had one player score in double digits)

In the nail bitter of the week, the Urinal Cakes were upset by MADR by one point (That Leftwich for Brandon Llyod is looking like a stroke of genius. And with Drew Brees throwing the ball all over the field at his own will, LT had a light day of work, not good for the UCs)

The Super Beetles crushed the Blazers. (the SBs showed no mercy. I'm not sure that the SBs should have been rooting so much for Brees over the Bills. I'm sure the SBs are hoping that Brees can keep it going against a real defense, because McNabb is going for the surgery)

The Sleepers were able get a win over the depleated Raiders. (What happened to S Jackson and R Moss, both performed well below average this weekend. The big three of Brady, Alexander and Smith are keeping the Sleepers in the hunt)

The Hurricanes were stopped by the Black Sharks of Doom (or maybe, the Hurricanes were just going easy on the birthday boy. The receiver duo of Moss and Harrison seemed to have taken the week off for the Hurricanes)

Larry Johnson 34 points; Kasey 4 points.

The Commish
Dearest commish,

You seem to have a serious case of sour grapes. You may want to get that checked out.
Kasey got 4 points.....I only though the had three.

I want a recount. No way Iwas beaten.
Three words for ya. Liar, Liar Pants
liar liar pants for hire
umm...patrick...that's pants on fire
you should know...liar
I would like to hire a pair of pants....do they wash dishes????
Has anyone seen my pants?????
e eeee
ngthfn bnm hjhn bvyuyu6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
66 nb bn5cvyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Sour Grapes????

I may have to throw out your score!!!!
I believe that my roster will be the same as last week, but seeing as there is not a new roster thread, I guess that I will have to just e-mail it.
I don't eat snails. You do. Pig snout.

p.s. i don't have school until next monday
Alright already, but noone better write in it except their rosters. Anyone who does, all their points go to me!
Dr. Doolittle doesn't play in your league. He is just concerned about you. You may be abusing your power of commisioner. We'll have to get that control board back in here to take a look at that.
I feel the commissioner may be a little light headed and in need of a doctor. I couldn't have possibly lost against the Sharks, considering all of the points I got from Brees in addition to the Barber clan. My loss is under protest.
In Re: the line-ups, does anyone know if Corey Cillon is playing?
I can't find anything on him yet bud. If I see something I'll let you know.
i demand a recount...who did pete play by the way?
the line ups are on the blog!!!!
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