Wednesday, November 30, 2005


To an underwater sea creature...

...this device may look like a large pancake...with eyes...and arms.

only 13 hours until lost.
I've already been lost for 13 hours.....

ps....I found the picture not too long ago and was gonna mail it around....
So to get back to my name change, I was considering Typhoid rather than typhoon....Typhoid Molly has quite a ring to it.....
i am going tuxedo shopping anyone want to join???
Can we change names in the middle? Typhoid Molly does have a ring to it though. I heard she cook food in poluted water.
nice excuse buddy!! You are losing cause you are losing.
Are you purchasing a tuxedo for your funeral?! Cause you are going down!

Go Super Beetles!!!
of course you will beat me! i am the worst team in the league!!!! but no i am tuxedo shopping cuz i dont want to do laundry :)
What ho! Pip, pip! Bloody hell Tiger, I dropped my sherry.
We will play this week like any other week. We will not look past the Penguins. (I heard a rumor you scored over 100pts this week.) We will prepare as we do every week. The Penguins are a good team, they play hard. We will focus on the week at hand.

Go Super Beetles!!!
I'm not too sure that I want to play against Typhoid Molly. It seems a bit too dangerous and all. I think that I would rather face a hurricane.
umm... picture????
A full investigation is under way looking into allegations of point shaving by the Raiders. Starting JJ Arrington and Mark Brunell???? Perhaps that comment yesterday will provide additional information into all of this.

nvndnxcbdfbbbnx 8
GO BILLS!!!!!!!
Should we be concerned about the blank e-mail having been sent by Typhoid Molly??? If she trying to infect us??
You really have a bug up your butt don't you commish? For some reason you feel you need to continuously attack the poor Super Beetles. Did you see what Jackson and Hasslebeck did for the Raiders the week before? 4 and 15. Not any better that his guys this week. So now he can't change his players? But if they had done better, it would have been okay. I would have beat him anyway, but if you want to go back take all his high scorers to see if they'll beat me go ahead. Try sedatives.
Even though not directed to me, I will in fact take the Superbeetles advice and try some sedatives....
mmmm. sedatives.
also, if anyone needs to relax, ask mr. blaze knowwhatimsayin
The Commish is not too sure that he likes what is comming from the so called Super Beetles. I think that a fine may be in order if the insolence continues.

The commish did not initiate the investigation. It was initiated by one of the other team owners.

There seems to be an alful lot of Tom Foolery comming originating from the Super Beetles this season (Does Kasay for Johnson ring any bells???) We in the OFFL head offices can not tolerate such behavior from our owners.
All this talk of sedatives has made me sleepy. I may have to take a nap soon.
Please do not mistake me for a pancake for I am not a pancake. No syrup, no butter. Just a turtle.
The Commish thinks that the Super beetles are way too defensive. Me Thinks that doest protest to much.

Perhaps it is the guilt that is ripping the super beetles apart from the inside.
Well, internal team struggle could destroy a team. We will have to see what happens in the season end. I also wonder about the playoffs for the OFFL. If I was the Chargers, I would sit LT. That may spell trouble for the UC's. There are lots of other players on teams that have winning records with high points players that may be sitting them for health reasons. Me and Oprah think the Penguins may come out on top here.
I feel that their should be an external investigation into the behavior of the commish and his lack of sedatives and his super beetle abuse. Nowhere is it mentioned that the super beetles got Kasey for Ruben Droughns. Does the commish abuse the penguins for that "lopsided" trade? I didn't think so. You can't consider it other team members if it is your spouse.
It was not the Namby Pambys. They were quite happy that the raiders "threw" the game. It just gives the NPs hope that they will not be repeat losers.

I'm very disappointed in the attitude comming from the super beetles. I think that they really need a cooling off period. It would be in their best interest to reconsider the abuse being tossed so cavilierly at the Commish. I would hate to see them sent home early like the great Terrel Owens. I believe that the arbitrator would hold up the suspension.
I've been playing math jeopardy all day. Please refer to me as Alex and put all answers in a form of a question.

a squared plus b squared equals c squared.

What is the pythagorean theorem.

It takes away some of the mystery when you write it out without the squares. It's still awesome!

Go Pythagorus!!!
Go Super Beetles!!!
Go to the store!!!

No, really, go to the store and get some sedatives. I don't need them. I'm fine. Really. The dots floating in my eyes only happen some of the time.

Go Rasputin!!!
Sedatives and theorums. Sounds like a jolly friday night.
I have consulted Buddah to review trade problems and the like and his response was "Sh** happens"
Only 8 more hours until lost.
the butler did it.
Jingle Bells Rock!!
What is no, they do not, Alex?

While driving at the speed of light, when you turn on your headlights they do this...
What is no, they do not, Alex?

While driving at the speed of light, when you turn on your headlights they do this...
Am I Lost yet??
mmmm pancakes....
Now to say that I am "losing becaue I am losing" is just plain lame. Please, in the future stick with such insults as "You Suck!," "Your team is worse than the Bills," "Drink a little more at the draft," "Were you on sedatives when you put your lineup in," or "drunk and stupid is no way to go through life." As far as me throwing it this year, not only because of all the cash I laid down at the bookies, but seeing how I was runner up last year, in honor of the Bills being the greatest second place team ever, I just thought it a little more sporting to give everyone else a chance. Oh, and by the way your welcome.
I contacted Steve Hawkings, and he confirmed you see your headlights in your rear view mirror, he thinks. 1.5 hours until Lost.
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