Sunday, November 13, 2005


What Time is it? Game Time!

Are there dogs in the house?!?
Week 10

Go Super Beetles!!!
If the super beetles are in any way related to the creepy ladybugs, then I concur, go superbeetles....
While I understand that there is an injury report, I am looking for the police blotter and *$%##@ idiot listing.....
game time actually meant something for the Bills???? It really has been too long since they were good.
Math Rules!!!!!!!
Math??????? What do you need math for????
Well, duh stupy head, how else would you know that the square of two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square to the third.
It's getting close to game time....sure no one feels like digging a hole???? I've got Aaron Elling......
I tried calling - do you really need a hole dug??
That's a right triangle you idiot!
the namby pambys are afraid to blog. They do not want to be pulled in to this nightmare.......
Does MADR have a week 10 lineup to submit??????
MADR's lineup is on its have no idea the level of production he has to find a coin to flip.......
I thought MADR was just going to throw in the towel for the Super Beetles. I thought it was a nice gesture. Thanks! Oh darn, 12:52 under the wire.

Go Super Beetles!
You know you love it. Come, Namby Pamby's come to the dark side. Together we could blog the world!!!
It would be a fine gesture if Mr. Grren would simply throw the ball to Mr. Johnson.....I finally figured out the relevance of the whole Holmes - Johnson thing....
I was thinking along the line of a quick shuffle pass, followed by an eighty yard run for a touchdown. Of course, then the Bills would respond with their own touchdown to keep them in the lead.
FLUSH THE URINAL CAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sure call a trick play on fourth and inches
Who's majic eight ball
Don't make me take away the other and anonymous choices under identity. I have the power to make everyone have to log in. There needs to be a retraction statement for the last black shark and super beetle comments. For some reason, I have a feeling a drunk relative may have been missusing his blogging priveledges.

Go Super Beetles!
That MADR is a trouble maker

GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND SUPERBEETLES!!!!!!!!!!
Go Security Guard!!!
DUMB dude rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need iot$ of money
Did anyone catch the San Francisco highlight with the missed field goal run back for a touchdown??? He ran further than I have all year...

Go Hurricanes!!
Apparently it was my own child that was the drunk relative. A renagade blogger at the age of 8.

Go Super Beetles!!!
The Black Sharks of Doom would like to invite everyone to his ceremony of 12's which will take place on Sunday, November 20th at 12pm at the Millson Estate.

Go Black Sharks of Doom!

P.S. Penguins, it's still not to late to forfeit.
I was planning on a little trash talking to me opponent, until I realized my quarterback (for the 2nd time) got me negative points....I think I'll keep my mouth shut.
I hope the Sleepers realize the Minnisota defense probably did that on purpose for slighting and cutting them at the last draft. 3?!!!!! 3!!!! defensive touchdowns!
What's up with that?!?

Go Super Beetles!
I had no idea Tampa Bay got to shoot cannons when they scored. No wonder the Bills struggle - they just get to hear the shout song......
I think the lack of cannons is holding us back.
What do you have to do to get to sit in the pirate ship at a TB game?
What do you mean I cut the Minn defense? I cut Seattle and played Minnesota today. The Commish does the official rosters you know?!!!
Dare I even bother counting the score or would the super beetles care to kneel before Zod!!!!!!
O.K. - so I have resigned myself to the fact that I will be the repeat Toilet Bowl Champion - and will be presenting myself with my own trophy - so here is a proposal to the Hurricane... Peyton Manning for Aaron Elling and a scrapbook (at least 20 pages)... let me know.
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