Monday, November 28, 2005


You seem a bit squirrelly

Would you care to explain why?

I would be happy to appears that there is a direct correlation between the health and productivity of a quarterback and the juju coming from cain road.....are you sure noone has a voodoo doll??
Disclaimer: Although I was present for the choosing of "let the good times roll" I take no responsibility for the theme. Three drunk sisters. And I was not one of them. I do want to mention that "mauve" and "stinky feet" were brought up as themes but completely turned down. Drunk women. Okay, I lied about the stinky feet one, but some other themes that were brought up were much worse than good times. Some of them were in french or some made up facimilie of french. I think they were just spouting off jibberish to confuse me.
A definite qb juju. Please do not talk to my QB. Do not even look at my qb. Stop it! Stop thinking about my qb! I don't want another -1 point game. I am positive it had something to do with the cain rd. juju.

Go Super Beetles!!!
It appears that the Cain Road juju is spreading throuhg the OFFL like a pandemic. Only two qbs scored over 20. The remaining scores were; 4,0,-1,13,13,0,6. Really this is not looking good.
As for this theme, if let the good times roll was the best, then I do believe that you were off of your game. I'm sorry to see that perhaps you have lost your mojo. I'm not too sure stinky feet would not have been better.
I wish it were stinky feet, then I would have as options a foot massager, pedicure set, spa treatment, socks, fabulous shoes!!!!!Now I'm stuck with Emirils(sp)Bayou Bash...
I am so glad everyone is back to work and back posting. I was appalled at the three posts that one day.
maybe I will bring a bowling ball in purple and yellow
Please, I beg of everyone, No Beads!!!!!!!!!!
beads are good too. with gravy.
I am a littel upset that my input was not even considered for the draw theme. I mean I was going to say muave, but when i showed up they had already recycled let the good times roll. and everyone ownes that Cars record. (or should) New orleans? who cares. You dont like hurricanes (aside from Molly) move. it should not effect our christmas cause bush screwed up by appointing his useless buddies as directors. nuts to that
honestly, what's going on for christmas? theme? draw? anything?? come on people!!!! i WANT to GO Shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought the theme was let the good times roll? What the heck is this about New Orleans?
I'm smelling something very funny coming from the kitchen. Could be a pungent cheese. Could be arson. Should I call the fire department or shall I just fetch some crackers?"
I say crackers.
The new orleans thing is part of the theme. let the gt's roll, new orleans style. or something. we are to keep NO in mind.
I'm going BEAD CRAZY!
Dudes!! Mr. Miagi (Karate Kid) died. They say it was natural causes, but seriously. we all know it was ninjas. the dude pissed them all off. it is a shame that we live in a time when Ninjas can pass through the still of night and slaughter an old man who was a movie star. i know my sleep shall now be raught with fear not knowing when ninjas are going to get me.
I think we should undermine the theme and go with the stinky feet theme. Then when people are trying to figure out how a pedicure set fits into "let the good times roll" we will all be able to have a little laugh. :) :)
Or we could just say "We thought it was stinky feet" Ayh, there's the rub. The foot rub.
I like it. I like it. I will definitely be getting something to do with feet.
It's mainly squirrels that I'm worried about. When will the squirrels be coming for me.
Using this as a message board:

If the Sleepers are blogging, just wanted to let you know that your class is tomorrow - Tuesday - sorry about the confusion. Also, Canisius is looking for a part-time reference librarian - 2 nights a week and rotating weekends.
The least you can do if you are leaving a message is leave a nifty fact or two. I don't know if you realize how upsetting it is to see the counter move and realize the message is not for you. An example would be; Hey sleepers...blah blah blah... and by the way, do you know that a dime has 118 ridges? Counted them myself.
We're comming for ya. Got you in our little sights. We always watch our backs, now it is your turn. MUAHHAHAH!!!! seriously, we're comming for ya.

A giraffe has the same number of vertabre as a human.

Article 11 of the NYS constitution states that when the government of the state is no longer looking out for the best interest of the people, it is our duty to take arms and change it. Seriously.
Jefferson and Lincoln are also on record saying things of the like. You do have to remember that they just broke away from England and revolution was still in their minds.

whenever a people should grow weary of an existing government, they should exercise their constitutional right to amend it or their revolutionary right to overthrow it

now advocating revolution is extreme, but in the time in which they lived, they really had bigger nuts
we could mix the two and end up with stinky New Orleans
Are we doing anything differently for christmas (immediate family)?????? Now would be a good time to make a final descision.

Who counts ridges on dimes. Dimes make a horrible sound if they go into you garbage disposal in your sink. This I know from experience.
Your all getting the Karate Kid trilogy for Christmas.

Paint the fence, danielson
Apparently, Mr. Miagi was proficient in the "wax on" but only in retirment did he perfect the "Wax off"
yea im talking about a theme for the immediate family! have we decided on anything? can we please do a draw!?!?!?! i think things would be a lot easier with a draw!!!
I think it's time for a revolution. The only problem is our government has been anticipating this and has put more monies into "our" armed forces than into any other program for the people of the U.S.

p.s. with all this talk, our blog has now been "flagged"
No Kiddin' Did you see what happened to my quarterback???? The theme I am using for our family Christmas is "The Office" based on what is one of the funniest (also sad and pathetic)show ever!!!! That being said, please expect pens, erasers and reams and reams and reams of paper (unless there is a shortage in county hall in which case I will be haning out extra pens). Happy Chanucka!
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