Thursday, December 29, 2005


Darth Vader

Would he have been as cool if
James Earl Jones wasn't his voice?
I think not.

Antonio Bendarez could have made a stunning Vader....
Really....I need a new name for the post season....I'm gonna have to try a few out....
Vamos, senor, vamos a el sido negro.
I would have liked Gilbert Godfried. I like his voice. Makes me think of breaking glass.
Or maybe Regis. Now that would get me to the dark side.
how bout Eor.....nobody wants to come to the dark side with me.....
It is my contention that if the "first three movies" that is Episode I, II and II were made first Lucas would never have the money he has now, and the second three movies would never have been made. It is quite possible that after Episode I a sequel never would have been made. I give this movie two thumbs down.
Please do not get the superbeetles started.......the badmouthing of star wars is not know that.....the administrator may delete you (and banish you to the dark side)....
Holy Crap!!! Roger are dead to me!!! Do you understand!!??!! Dead!! May your family burst into boils of pain!!! May your dog lose all its hair. May your cat suddenly be insanely afraid of mice. APPOX ON YOU!!!

Have a nice day! :-)
Even Star Wars would have been lame if not for Han Solo and Vader. I think Luke may have been more whiny than that idiot Annikin. But at least, Star Wars possessed the saving grace of Solo. A role that young Obi-Wan could never fulfill.
I think a battle has begun.
Battle? What battle? Roger Ebert is dead to me, so I cannot see, read, hear, etc. any of his comments. Star Wars Rules!!!!
star wars do rule.
i think thats right? Star wars DO rule cause its plural. just if im wrong though...
star wars does rule. i do kind of like them all.
I'm sorry, I think that is my former partner you are thinking of --- Siskel is the one who is dead (rest his soul). I, on the other hand, am alive and well!!
I friggin' hate Usala Minor!! Prancing around like she has laser eyes. With her buddy Alph Centari. Me and my crew are running through you hood tonight! We are gonna mess it all up!!!
get it. star wars
brooke sheilds versus tom cruise...that's star wars
what are my duties as loser???? someone please fill me in!! im just as lost at this as i was during the draft!
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