Friday, December 16, 2005


Dr. James Williams

My new best friend!

We don't got no school! We don't got no school! We don't got no school! Da-Da Da-Da Da-Da!
Once again I'm traumatized!!!!!!! And I know it's not good to be jealous so close to Christmas......I searched everywhere for a weather related reason not to go to work and could find ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! I guess the good doctor needs some way to make friends....oh the power....
Tell Jack there is no such thing as a concession for fun, OK?

And have fun today on yr day off. But I do think you could have made it. When the bus went by Nardin, it looked like a few stragglers may have not gotten the message in time.
I don't think many people checked the news channels today because it looks fine outside. I wouldn't have even looked, but Lar is desparate for a snow day and always keeps track. He was not pleased...

Go Super Beetles!!!
I have been given a reprieve!!! I may go shopping after I nap...Or maybe later...Procrastinators unite tomorrow!
Yo, on Wednesday they were talking about calling the snow day today in reaction to the violence at the public schools. I forgot what they called it, something like a forced snow day. Give the staff a break
I concur with Johnny Conspiracy. Rumor has it this "snow day" was called yesterday afternoon.
Well you wouldn't want to make the teacher's union happy by actually maintaining their healthcare or salaries would you?......makes much better sense to just give them a day off.....
Who's the lousy red who will not even identify themself????

I will break all of the unions!!!!

Did you see the injury reports this week??

What happened to Clinton Portis??

Oh and it's too bad that Gates has a concusion.
Do you think that it would be better to play Jake Plummer vs the Bills or Tom Brady vs the Buccaneers?

Is Eric Moulds a good play? Kelly Holcomb is back at QB?

Fred Taylor or Julius Jonrs???
I would play Plummer v. Bills, as
A)Bills suck
B)Plummer knows the way of the blaze

and in re: Moulds- Holcolnm will trow to him, but how effective is the Bills Offence going to be? Look into yr heart and the answer shall be there
Who stole my pants?
Hey Molly, why was there police tape all around yr building today?
mmmmm...conspiracy snow day
Evil sleepers...made us look...
that's it, I give up. There is no sense in me even playing. My team sucks so I will just conceed to the Super Beetles. All hail the Super Beetles. And the Black Sharks of Doom. They are pretty cool too.
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