Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Go Sponge Bob, it's your Birthday!

Where's the love man?!
Why no David Hasselhoff?
I swear you're all German...

Another Birthday???? I'm so excited for more cake.....I hope it has whipped cream....
I figure since every day someone was born, I can eat cake every day to celebrate.
Due to the ridiculous lateness of the MNF game the Commish was unable to complete the scores last night.

Due to the ridiculousness of a certain 18 month old, the Commish will be unable to complete the scores until later today.
are they done yet?
are they done yet?
are they done yet?
are they done yet?
are they done yet?
are they done yet?
are they done yet?
are they done yet?
So the regular season has come to an end and the playoffs are set.

(this needs to be brief due to a little MJO "helping" out) (He does seem to be interested in the picture of Patrick, I will not let him view the picture from yesterday. I would not want that burned into his memory)

The NPs defeated the Blazers 92-64 to stay out of the Toilet Bowl playoffs (THeNPs got on a roll late, but were able to at least achieve the goal of not repeating as winner (?) of the Toilet Bowl Trophy. Someone else had best be making room on their mantle)

The Urinal Cakes defeated the Sleepers 84-81 (I demand a recount) (even with a poor showing out of Tomlinson and Palmer, the UCs were able to hang on for victory. Perhaps because they were facing a team with Nate Burlson ((I was sure that this was going to be his breakout week)) And what's with Lindell missing a 30 yard field goal??)

The Hurricanes absolutly crushed MADR, sending MADR into the Toilet Bowl 132-59 (A couple of better weeks, week 5 with no kicker and losing by five pts, a few weeks with negative or no points from qbs, and the Hurricanes would be in the playoffs, but alas. And MADR, last years winner suffering the indignity of playing for the toilet bowl trophy)

Despite the valiant effort of the super beetles to make certian the BSOD made the Playoffs, the Super Beetles handed the BSOD another defeat 114-105 (Its sad that the Super Beetles second string would have defeated every team except the Hurricanes. Let's just hope that the Super Beetles did not upset the delicate balance in Fantasy Football Karma and can continue to win in the Playoffs)

The Penguins dropped another one, this time to the Raiders 70-53 (It will be difficult for the Raiders to lose to the Penguins to capture the toilet bowl)

Playoffs - week one
Urinal Cakes v BSOD
Super Beetles v Sleepers

Hurricanes v Namby-Pampys

MADR v Penguins
Raiders v Blazers

Good Luck to all
The Commish
Final Standings

UC - 11-3 1567
SB - 11-3 1534
Slp - 9-5 1286
BSOD - 7-7 1282
Hur - 6-7-1 1292
NP - 6-7-1 1228
MADR - 6-8 1228
Raid - 5-9 1272
Blaz - 4-10 1155
Pen - 4-10 1073
go penguins!!!!
Karma smarma. It is my destiny.
to eat cake that is. I'm not messing around with those flaky Karma gods. I'm sacrificing a chicken tonight!

Go Super Beetles!!!
I miss David Hasselhoff. :-(
Dude, be careful messing with Karamel. That icky sticky stuff is only fit for heffalumps and woozels. It'll get ya. Just look at me. I talked a hell of a game each and every week and look at the outcome. Maybe i just drafted poorly. hmm..
Go Skins!!!!!
I had no idea Jason and Sponge Bob had such close birthdays. That explains a bunch
what? Why he's yellow and square?
Or that crazy laugh of his?
No, the square, yellow thing. And he lives in a pineapple under the sea.


and pourus is he
and you're Patrick!
Why am I Patrick? Cause i'm red and star shaped? or is it goofy and kind of no all with it? I do like flower print shorts. And i live under a rock and like crappy patties
i thought it was because you are pink
Yr pink
I just play for the pink team
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