Thursday, December 22, 2005


It's a Wonderful Life!

Say brainless,
don't you know where coconuts come from?

I will bring the decorated goat head.
awwwww!!!!! I was gonna bring the goat head!!!!
I can't work....I can't think....I'm too excited......I'm 9.....and for the IS a wonderful life.......
Looks like it is down to the blazas v. the BEast. So, do I want to win the toilet bowl? Or do i try to do well this week? Did ya'll note that a penguin was stolen from a london zoo? Uncle George? Question: Good or bad ju ju for the penguins this week. Also, if it is good, is it good like win a game, or good lose a game cause i think that is what she wants?
I'm not playing this week. I have "turf toe." GO URIANL CAKES!!!
Hi Lamont - it's nice to see you on the blog and all....we haven't heard from you in a must be so busy...
No, I haven't been busy at all, actually
Yo Yo (ma)
I am going to bring some soda (2 12 pks) and a rye bowl and dip? Or would you rather i do a veggie thing?
Darn you LaMont!!!! Darn you to h e c k!!!!! Turf Toe?!?!? you gots to be kidding me!!!! :p look how many exclamations he's making me use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turf toe... lazy son of a gun...get you're butt out their before I have a coronary!!!!!
sounds good Brenz! (and everyone else...thanks so much!)
I hope everyone senses the significance of the picture.
The UC has been staying away cause their scared.

Go Super Beetles!!!!
I'm a bit spazzy right now...maybe too much diet code...I mean coke. The penguin story is so sad. The mom and dad are crying and keep looking for their baby. Uncle George!!! Please put it back!!!!
I'm so glad "Joe Nameth" made that claim. It makes this so much easier.

Go Super Beetles!!!! Flush the UC once and for all!!!!
I really hope the significance of the picture has nothing to do with the "arrival" spoken of yesterday.
Due to having an overprotective dad, I will not be allowed to play with livestock of any kind on Christmas Eve. I will also not be able to accept live animals as gifts. My dad said that he will leave it on the side of the road as we leave.
I am appalled! We will hunt you down and tar and feather you! You cannot hide from the WRATH of the SPCA! We will paper your car with flyers!
Because my dad basically peed his pants in fear of the SPCA, he has decided to accept any gift, (live poultry, live stock and live thingies included) with happiness and joy. Everyone knows I rule the roost anyway and if I want the gift, I'm getting the gift.

Go Malcolm Joseph!!!

A box for everyones tv...can everyone say 1984?
I'm already in everyone's home. The box is just for those of you that don't have HD TV sets yet.

Have you seen the cameras that I have around and come on I can basically wire tap or monitor anything that I want. You are all suckers. And like the book said, you invited me into your homes. Your fear and paronia of "the enemy" allowed me to do whatever I wanted and you felt safe.
Really, my dad doesn't think that me playing with live animals is such a good idea. In a few years, maybe, but not yet. Still way too much hand in mouth kind of stuff for that to be at all sanitary or safe. Nobody wants me to get sick or anything.

Thanks for understanding.

Keep your gift covered and warm.

Merry Christmas!

P.S. Kathryn, your message was very garbled so I couldn't really understand it. Something about can't wait for Saturday to get Malcolm's gift?
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