Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Luke, join Verizon...or Die

Search your feeeeeelings Luke. With the Family Share Plan™ for only $59.99 we can add up to three lines for just $9.99. It comes with unlimited night and weekends with a one or two year customer agreement. Get IN on the nation's largest home calling coverage area, without roaming. We can add Princess Leia whom you seem to have a weird brother-sister thing going on with, Han Solo, and even that hairy wookie. Join Verizon, Luke.

I sure wish Luke would join in - then I would have much cheaper phone bills....
Oh, mi wookie va Solo?
I dont know if i am comfortable with verizons new campaign. It seems having Vadder threaten me, well, i mean i will join IN, but you know, i may feel that it is not the best of the Rebellion, or something, man.
Jabba, if you would take the pizza out of your mouth, we would be able to understand you.
misa jaja binks!
Oh my soul!!! I wish I had it back.
That is a sweet pic of the Super Beetles today. I dont remember Jenny's helmet though.
Oh, sorry about that. I said Me Wookie va Solo
You are part of a rebel alliance.
I am even worse off with the Star Wars references than I was with the football references.....
Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans,
and bring me the passengers! I want them alive!
I need to implement the verizon plans.
I only wear the helmet to special "battlestar" functions. Or when destroying galaxies.
Yo, when is the next battlestar function. I think i am a part of the empire too. I don't have a sweet helmet, but i have some funny hats
I will make you a hat......
Make sure it has sweet ear flaps. and a drink holder, like those foam dome dealies. and sidewinder missles

oh, and i guess make sure it is fire retardent, you know, cause i'm mr. blaze
No Whammy!!
circle gets the square!!!
Next battlestar thingy is on the upcoming Tuesday following next Wednesday at a nondiscled location. Bring a dish to pass. All coffee and tea will be provided.
E-gads.......there is no post this morning......what am I to do??????do I start working first???????That just goes against the grain!!!
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