Friday, December 09, 2005


Squirrels are taking over the world!

Or should I say Varmint Cong!!!

I KNOW!!!!

Go you know who!!
I really hope every one listened to Lovey Squirrel yesterday. I only saw one horrified response. This could be the key to defending ourselves against the squirrel community.
Did you see it outside?!?! There is no way that I should be in school today. I am appalled. I'm feeling a bit squirrelly.
The new picture is a bit more unsettling than that of a crazy Nick Nolte.
My word, someone is kind of nuts. Thats right, nuts, like squirrels eat. HELP they have got to me !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, no, they don't have me. Forget I said that. I love the squirrels. See yall bright and squirrley tomorow. I will bring mixed nuts
YEA!!!! I'm so excited for Jason's party!!!!! I decided that he's gonna have to be six though....I hope he doesn't mind.....
skwerls suk!!!
G-rox party is tomorow @ 5.30 right? Cait i guess was supposed to tell me, but i just want to double check.
squirrels have taken over the blog, That much I know to be true....

What happened to the whole football thing.

Really, why did I trade for Eric Moulds???

Where is Tom Donahoe? Why did Ralph Wilson Jr. have to make the announcement?

I didn't listen to the squirrel thing, maybe today
Do I need to wear boots in Langford?
Games on Saturday???? When did this happen. Don't they know that I work on Saturdays. This is not right.
What games are on Saturday?? That doesn't start this week, does it?

Black Sharks of Doom do you feel the pressure????Are you going to crack like the Super Beetles?
Yo, that is some serious smack comming from the sleepers under the guise of the Commish. I think we need an indepedant inquary into this noise.

I can save money by buying my nuts seperatly and mixing them myself.
Games on Saturday? What are you talking about? You must be nutty. Or seeing things. Or just delusional. Probably that one.

Go Skwerls!!! Opps...I mean

Go Super Beetles!!!
Yes, the party is at 5:30...IN THE MORNING!!! Just kidding. No one better show up that early. That's when I get my breakfast of nuts and seeds. Yes, you do need boots in Langford. And mittens. And jackets. And hats. And scarves. And nuts. And pants...please, don't forget to wear pants. Don't wear more than one hat or jacket or scarf. Just one will do.
Did the Super Beetles tell us to wear our nuts?
don't wear nuts, that's just gross...bring them...for me...the super beetles...not a rogue skwerl who has taken over this blog...
YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
humanely dispatched my butt!
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