Wednesday, December 07, 2005



There's nothing quite like a snowball ambush.

That Ron Burgandy is a nutter.
Good morning sunshines!!! I'm still reeling from my unnatural loss to the sleepers.....had to pick now to wake up, didja??? I guess it's all part of the birthday who am I playing this week.....really, I'm comin' to get ya....really...(please note, beware of the commish mentioning a winning is a harbinger of a loss to come)
I'm just wondering what the sleepers had to sell (soul) to get the seattle d-fence to actually perform.
No selling of the sole... just an early birthday present. Thank you!!
Boy, those Urinal Cakes have been on a bit of a winning streak haven't they?
Hey, those Blazas have been on quite the losing streak, eh?
Hey, those Blazas have been on quite the losing streak, eh?
waddle, waddle, poof.
I think he's trash talking you Penguins. I wouldn't stand for that. He must be a "Blazer".
That was the sound of a penguin spontaniously combusting, or being blazed. HAHAHAHA

take that.
The next time a proxy posts for me, it is Soul as in the spiritual part of a person, not sole the bottom of my shoe. I'm sure that if the devil only wanted your shoes and not your whole being, more people would be selling their soles to the devil.
I don't know, man, I could use some new kicks.
Week 14 Schedule

Namby Pambys v Blazers
Urinal Cakes v Sleepers
Hurricanes v MADR
Super Beetles v Black Sharks of Doom
Raiders v Penguins (perhaps a preview of the toilet bowl??)
perhaps we should just let the Raiders and the Penguins co-host the party as they both seem determined to be the "loser". Obviously the toilet bowl loser has gained some glamor, so maybe we need to think of some foul chore or activity the toilet bowl loser will need to perform for next year.
why the hostility? we're not even playing this week!!! :)
why the hostility? we're not even playing this week!!! :)
Wow, I had a very unusual lapse of memory and thought i was playing the Penguins. Sorry about all the trash talk. Hey Namby's, i'm comming to get ya. hahahah.
ps; i still have no idea what a namby pamby is. please advise.
But, the waddle waddle poof was kind of funny
namby-pamby - One that is insipid, sentimental, or weak.

I think I may have doomed myself for inevitable failure from the beginning with my team name choice :)
penguins are too cute to hurt! :(
But they make such a nice squishy sound when they get stomped on. And they are tasty with crackers.
what isn't tasty with a cracker.....
liver...I find that liver is gross no matter what. Of course some weirdos actually like it...go ahead...admit you're a weirdo.
Is this Bills season just a big joke??? Mularkey is considering suspending Eric Moulds for criticizing the play calling??? Everyone who saw the game was critical of the play calling. Does Mularkey think that this is going to make anything better??? He may actually be a worse coach than Gregg Williams. I really hope that They completely clean house after this season. Mularkey is just as bad a Donahoe.

Go Patriots!!!!!!
So the trade deadline has passed?????

Can a trade be negated due to a player being on a stupid team?? Can I have K McCardell back??
umm...what happened to your picture??? Is it the stress???
He's so full of Mularkey.....with a name like that, you're almost obligated to say stupid things....

UC - 10/3 - 1483
SB - 10/3 - 1420
Sleeper - 9/4 - 1205
BSOD - 7/6 - 1177
MADR - 6/7 - 1169
Hurricane - 5/7/1 - 1160
NPs - 5/7/1 - 1136
Raider - 4/9 - 1202
Blaza - 4/9 - 1091
Penguin - 4/9 - 1020

The games between the Hurricane and MADR and the NPs and Blazas will determine who will occupy the final slot for the Toilet Bowl playoffs. MADR also with the win and a loss by the BSOD could end up in the playoffs for the SuperBowl.
I'm not feeling very good. Can you tell grandma to come get me? Well, then can you bring me my chapstick. MY LIPS HURT REAL BAD!
ahhh who is that creepy man???
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