Tuesday, January 24, 2006




I may get nightmares from looking at this picture. It scares me.
When I heard Jauron was the new head coach for the Bills, for some reason "puppet master Levy" went through my head. I think we can figure out who the "real" coach will be...
The real reason Jeremy didn't show at the party. He took those giant blue pills and ended up looking like this! Never touch the blue ones! I REPEAT! NEVER TOUCH THE BLUE ONES!!!
I've got a blue one sitting right here on my desk......and without seeing what could happen, I might just take it........uh oh.
36 hours and 24 minutes until Lost!!! I have heard so much speculation that I need to see it now!
speculate for the rest of us.....is it only Tuesday??????? A whole n'other day of waiting???? i can't take it!!!
But I like the blue ones. They are so sweet and tasty.
What is that, a sloth?
NO! It's not a sloth! It's Jeremy. On blue pills.
Thats rough cut.

The guy who does the animal things on Conan was dating one of my friends. On his new years eve special, she was there with him. It was funny to see a kid you went to college with being mauled by a howling monkey on national TV
The howling monkey...now there's a special animal.
They are the tastiest of all the chimps.
mmmmmm....howling monkies
c'mon namby pambys.....you know you want to join in......
I joined yesterday - what do you want from me?? :) Daily contributions? I was actually trying to add a really cool picture of a three toed tree sloth, but alas my efforts were thwarted. It is possible that the little blue pills gave me a false sense of ability, and then smashed my hopes.
hi everyone!!

brendan hope your trip went well!! im watching elliot and one of his signed artists on tv right now! how cool!!
Really? What show on TV?
The trip went well. traveled over 1,000 in like 3 days.
I should have stopped in at elliots while i was there. he lives in staten island or something right?
channel 13- crossroads (its local) he was drumming for a guy he signed and they said it continuously "eltrain entertainment" it was pretty cool. yea he lives in staten island (wagner).
New York, New York
I won't go back
Indelllable reminder of the steel I lack
I gave you 7 years
What did you give me back?
A jaw-grind disposition to a panic-attack
people! I can't stress this enough! Stay away from the blue ones! Stay away! It seems there has been a bit of confusion about the blue ones. Blue ones bad! Just look at Jeremy! Now the Penguins will probably be on the prowl to hook up with someone from that show with the girls and the twins who are billionaire moguls. Maybe Joey is here man...
excuse me...her man although he could be here man...take enough little blue pills and he will be
I now have my picture for tomorrow. I am so excited! Perhaps Jeremy was experimenting with the little red pills? Bwaaahaahaaahaaa!!
pick a color....any color....that's my motto.....

From the downtown weather center, it's raining and beginning to hail or sleet or snow or something.....plus it looks pretty chilly from in here.....JB you had better be wearing a hat!!
Yeah, i had a hat on. I got halfway to city hall and the sky opened up. Oh well. My skin is water proof for a reason
wow! i am having a horribly boring day!!!!! ...i need a hobby
try blogging!!!
it better be a mad bomber hat
cait, do you play with Jeremy's weird looking ears when you are getting "passionate" with eachother? Just wondering.
If you need a hobby - you can always come over to my house and scrapbook with me :)
I think we need to turn this into a literary blog . . . seeing as football season is just about over. You all have one week to identify your favorite Edgar Allan Poe story, and then we will discuss the merits of each.
Monkey Ear Police message is terribly disturbing to me.
It was not a mad bomber hat. I needs to be way colder for that to be effective. If I wore it now, i would sweat. from what i am hearing about tomorow, though, it will be in effect.

That's easy.
Fall of the House of Usher. It outlines the fall into insanity of the misses paralleling Poe's own addiction th
eww...why do all the gross comments and pictures somehow pertain to me????
Your hobby should be defendaing yourself against the blog.......and my skin is not waterproof since I am made of sugar and might melt.......oh yeah.....and you can't make me read!!!!
The Cask of Amantilado is real good too, as I also am terrified (maybe because of the Poe I have read) of being burried alive.
My favorite isn't Po. My favorite is Tinky Winky...or maybe Dipsy. But definitly not LaLa and no way it's Po.
It's good to see everyone here today. Except I don't think we have heard from Jeremy but that's probably because he lost the ability to talk (and type) after "the change". Still waiting for the response to the ear rubbing thing...
I vote for no further comments about the ear rubbing thing.

P.S. - I think I am going to need some of those little blue pills. I am still at work - YUCK!!
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