Friday, January 06, 2006


Can you really ever get enough Richard Simmons?

I didn't feel there were enough people upset and disgusted by yesterday's picture, so until I feel vindicated...
Richard Simmons every day!

Hold your horses! I had difficulty picking today's picture. There are so many to choose from...
I kind of like him. its like that weird neighbor guy who has always been talking to the fat people on saturday morning. i support and endorse all of the products mentioned in his following paid advertisment.
I see you have already done 2
All I know is I plan on taking part in doing whatever I can to make my own fuel. Biodiesel it is! Fry that food baby! Now I have a legitamate reason to consume pounds of fries each year. I am helping the environment. Okay, who am I kidding...that's tons of fries.
Is it really his own hair?
I told you I couldn't choose. There are so many good ones. Do I want him in a squat thrust or struting his stuff or his trademark red outfit or...
sweet pants, man
I think Richard is a sell out. It used to be about being fat, man
Hey guys- just wanted to let everyone that Brendan's bday party will be on Sunday at 5 at Mom's. Boston cream pie or baby brendan birthday cake?????
How bout both?
Yes please!
I concur on both!
you will all have to sweat to the oldies if you are eating both! Otherwise I may have to visit you in your fat bed, unable to go out of the house because you are 450lbs. Love yourself! Jesus birthday cake cream pie
One cake for for everyone else....
Richard is pissed at our cake indulgence. that uses up like ten of our "Deal a Meal" cards for the day. all our fat and sugar, 3 carbs and definatly our whip cream card.
Nobody better mess with my whipped cream card. As a matter of fact, I may have to get me a file cabinet of those.
I have been picking some WC cards up on the black market. they run about $5 for 3. Pretty good deal, realy. Richard saw me once with a of whipped cream, and chased me down, but i was able to get most of it into me. I was surprised at how quick he is. And greasy
Look out all you fatties! I will Kung-Fu the candy and kickbox the fudge. Not to mention what I will do with that whipped cream.
If you were in your car and Richard Simmons was crossing the street, would you slow down or speed up?
if i was in a car and richard was crossing, he would pull me out the window and beat the whipped cream out of me. Then he would put sugar in my gas tank while drop kiking my crotch region.
Then he would dress me in spandex and call me "Sally" all the while drop kiking my crotch now enhanced by aforementioned spandex
you sound as if you are speaking from experience?!?
Lets just say I am now afraid of spandex. (though i guess i have always been)
Did anyone see the article on WalMart today on yahoo? They had a thing when you ordered a DVD it gave you other suggested titles. When you ordered Planet of the Apes, it suggested 4 movies about the life of martin luther king and several other video biographies of famous black people. Sounds like bad business planning to me.
That is seriously awful. Seriously.
What? No Saturday Post???
Oh.. the joksters at Walmart.....see what you get when you only pay minimum wage......17 yea olds with bad judgement...(as opposed to 30 year olds with bad judgement......
oh, yea, three cheers for whipped cream!!! and baby Brendan birthday cake!!!!
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