Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Jeremy got into the green pills!!!!

C.T. can't you do something to keep him out of the medicine cabinet?!?

I couldn't use my original picture which bummed me out, so I had to go with "Mojo Jojo" Jeremy. Mojo Jojo angry.
13 hours until Lost!

(Namby Pambys I am sorry you were at work so late. :-(
Good morning sunshines!!!! I can't many hours til LOST????? I'm looking forward to Saywer kickin' some other a**!!!! And still wondering what's gonna happen cause Michael was using the computer for something other than saving the planet from total destruction....and could you imagine if there really was a button......and a guy like Hurley was in charge?????Why am I thinking it would be like having JB controlling the destiny of the universe????

ps - I hope everyone watches lost and from now on if you don't you should! Cause I said so....
I see I was typing when I got my answer....but now it should be less than 13 hours til LOST!! WOO HOO!!! Now if JB were running the universe, I bet we'd all get the blue pills....( oh yeah....and Goerge W would NOT be president!!!)
If JB was president we would all be smiling ALOT more...
and we would have the munchies often...
Like we all dont have the munchies most of the time anyway. I've seen you all at parties. Im not the only one
I don't munch...I inhale. Oops! I mean I didn't inhale!! I didn't inhale!
Thats what they all say
If you are referring to my gluttony, I am offended......I tried to keep that a secret...
I think that your response was a bit too quick. You need to go back and reread the stories for this to be effective. Although, you may come to the same conclusion of the Fall of the House of Usher and the Cask of Ammonti
You still need to take the time to read and mull over your response.

As for everyone else, most of Poe's stories are on the line. You could try or or (there are 124 of Poe's stories here)

Good Luck and Good Reading.
I have been reading some short stories by Philip K Dick (total recal and blade runner)(thank you Kathryn, and i will get it back on time). He writes pretty well. Good endings, but I am starting to notice something. I read these, the Dune series, a lot of post-apocolyptic stuff, I think i am a sci-fi nerd. i tried not to be, but...
Future literary discussion questions may include those such as "Which Bronte sister was the best?" "Who is the better poet, Keats or Yates?" and "Come up with your favorite novel which mimicks the Odessey"

If anyone has any topics they want to have discussed, please forward them to the Commish and I will take them under advisement. And Jack - don't think you can get out of this - I have seen you reading.
Yeah - I heard that Andy Dick was a great writer!!!
We can discuss the merits of Science Fiction during another week. This week is Poe - Get back to it, and get reading!!
I told you! My favorite Telly Tubby is not Po! It is Tinky Winky! Mainly cause the name makes me giggle. (I also like the response I get from my boys when I say "poopy". Has them rolling on the floor every time.)
If you want to find your teletubbie, go to
You can't pick the weird baby sun because that is not a teletubby. That is a weird baby sun.
Saddly, I know that web page.
Tubby Custard! Tubby Custard!!
mmmmm....tubby custard
10 more hours until Lost! I do hope everyone plans on watching tonight. How else will you know what we're talking about when we discuss how Charlie freaked out!
after 10 minutes of reading this "blog" that i prefer to call a message board-im speechless
I sure hope there isn't a storm tonight that might blow out your sattelite.
Hey Penguin!! How are you?
im great!! i love school!!!
..the 12th annual penguin run!!!?!!!!
Are you going to run Cate? You could get a cool t-shirt, and if you raise enough money you could also get a hat or bag!! I would pledge for you :)
Don't joke about such things! I notice you "message boarded" (that just doesn't sound right. We are a fast pased society, so the word "blog" just fits in so nice) anonymously (good thing the word is right underneath or I would have no idea how to spell it). Is that because you fear (retri...reper...) getting in trouble for jinxing the lost fans?!? You should be. 10 minutes! I was hoping it would take a newcomer at least 15 to decypher all the antics. Dang it!
If by any chance your satellite is knocked out by the storm that is causing the tv stations to put crawlers on my shows every 5 minutes... You could use that time to read some Poe and be ready for our discussions tomorrow.

P.S. - If Cait is bored and doesn't want to come over to scrap book, she could just come over, watch Malcolm and the commish will scrapbook.
I can't stand that darn crawler! They seem to always need to get some "important" message out to the public during my show! Jeesh!
im coming over!
please be advised that until 10pm tonight the cable/satilite companies will be in talks and TV will be shut down.
Yo, have you seen my brotha? He has been disguising himself as a fantasy footballer and has some joker tied up in his closet. Closet guys got crazy hair and a foul mouth.
I recently picked up a book by MArgaret Atwood (Oryx and Crake, which i know Jenny read) It is called Penelope's ...something.
It is the story of what Ulyssees wife did while he was on aforementioned Oddysee. Applicable i think
Homer's Oddysee? Is this a story about that time i rented that mini-van?
mmmmmmmmm......oryx and cake
I got my pictures back!!! I got my pictures back!!!! Poor Jeremy......he should not have eaten the green one...
Hey Molly, I saw you heading back into the building today. I was going to yell but i was kind of far away. You could have seen me wearing my new bills sweatshirt and neck warmer and mad bomber hat.
Wish I could have seen that. You must have been a sight!! I saw a man going into the mall today with what looked like a mad bomber hat and wondered if you had worn yours today!!
it's the cask of amontillado tom. and reading? whats that?
a. You can't make me read.
b. I'm so happy JB was wearing his sweatshirt, neck warmer and mad bomber hat....JB made my day.
c. If my dish is out tonight like it was last night someone should anticipate some bad return karma.
d. How many hours til LOST???????
With my dish, I do not even get local chanels. We tried rabbit ears, but he got pissed and hopped away. I tried again by giving him some treats, but he ate 'em and ran.
Shock that monkey
I don't know how I feel about LOST......I don't like heroin stories...the whole thing creeps me out.....and Jon Locke seems to have an edge about him.....I think he would give the baby to the island if he thought the island asked him....oh yeah....good morning!!
After I learned the first rule of LOST last night (which is not to call during LOST) I tried to watch and am so LOST I am just going to enjoy the rantings of my sisters-in-law and not try to understand. I think I am glad I missed the heroin part though.
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