Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Look what I found in my backyard!

I think this is where those missing socks go. And it could explain
those weird blue tenticle thingies.

Count down to Lost!!!
I started my countdown last night.....I hope it's as good as last week.....c'mon Jen....give us some Lost chatter....

I think I'm very upset because I won't be able to see where the socks go until after I get home.....
Dont let the boys touch that thing. They are going to start bashing each other w bones and such, progressing humanity
It makes a weird humming noise. I think it's calling me....
I am very excited for Lost. I wonder who it will be about and if we will see the "others" or just hear them again. This is our island! Freaky.
Dont go to it. Let the space men take care of it. Or else you will trip out for what is far too long in movie terms and then a bunch of weird stuff that doesnt make sence to anyone will happen where you see yourself on Jupiter years later. What did touching it do for you? Did it realy make you better off?

This has to be killing Molly not knowing what in tarnation is going on.
as long as you understand the trauma.....I'm plotting my sweet revenge.....
Well, we are referring to an unspeakable thing with unspeakable power. It isnt like we can tell you, you just have to see it, and because Bill gates makes a crappy product but has a monopoly on crappy products, you cannot see the unspeakable sweetness to which we are reffering.
I demand satisfaction.

Remember that Simpsons when Homer was challenging everyone to duels and then that cowboy showed up and accepted. He had that bumper sticker that said "Honk if you demand satisfaction" that cracked me up
mmmmmmm....foghorn leghorn
I forgotestish that Molly Pumpkin couldn't see the amazingnessestish of the ultimate thingamajigamy. I think it may have somehow affectednestish my thinkingingestish. Cluck cluck ahem. Or maybe I shouldn't have steppedestish into it when I was holdingestish that chicken. Bawk bawk bawk.
All Hail Zwork!!!
I am in no way related to that alien "mork". What a dork! Ha ha! My alien humor is incredible. It's done, so get a fork...for the pork! Oh no! I laughed so hard alien juice came spewing out of my "nose". (not really a nose in your humanoid culture...more like a rear end)
Hello all you OFFLers!!!! We're getting all set for the big shindig on Saturday @ 5. So here's an update......I'm hoping to see my little penguin on Friday at which time we will begin preparing the little cakey thing that she did so well. Brenz had previously agreed to the infamous....oh I mean famous.....people chili....Tom will be baking a pie and Kathryn will be setting up some chocolate fondue.....Mom had said she would bring some cream puffs, even though she did not lose, which is awfully nice of her......I'll be working on some bruschetta, roast beef, truffles and chocolate covered strawberries, and Larry's bring the brie......and our Jack and James will be ever so responsible for waiting on the I think that's the plan as it stands......if anyone can volunteer pop or beer, just let me know.....otherwise, we should be all set. The commish has nicely sent along the scores for the year, so be on the lookout for the best and worst of 2005. See you soon!!
I like aliens for breakfast......when I eat breakfast....
Dude, I touched it too, although i was holding the bunny, henceforth and further more, I am now quick as hell with rabbit like reflexes.

eh, who am i kidding, no space technology is going to make an orrange boy fast
The Black Sharks of Doom will bring the beer.
oops! and the pop.
But will the Black Sharks of Doom still have to wait on the Superbeetles????? Although maybe with their newfound alien space magnetism talents (which I still don't understand as cannot see)will allow them to pull double
Does Lost start at 8 or 9????? Cause in my countdown I nee to be sure if it's 6 or 7 hours.......I liked it when Mr. Echo said to Jon Locke not to confuse fate with coincidence and then he ended up on an island with his brother.....cause 1st I thought yeah John Locke, what if you're just reading too much into this???? But now John Locke must be right........see how I did that???? Jack Bauer Jack Bauer Jack Bauer....
Now that I think about it, I may have left that in yr backyard the last time i was at yr house. I cannot seem to find my unspeakable thing right now. Maybe I just misplaced it. It is always in the last place you look.
I wish you wouldn't speak about your unspeakable makes me nervous......
ps.....sometimes I forget that your name isn't Johnny.....
It's amazing how that last place thing always works. Is it fate? Or is it a coincidence? If it is yours I won't be able to give it back for a while. It seems to have vortexed itself into a jellybean. I may have eaten it. Oh...nope...there it is. It was riding on a pony. Weird thingymajiggy.
I'm pretty sure it's 9pm. Of course with this weird time continuum thing...who knows.

Only 6 more hours until Lost! Unless the gerbil is zwybec. Then...only yawn blink zap until boodle!
Honestly Jen, that is a great picture. Props to my boy Stan and to the world of the Blaze. Still, that whole thing makes no sence
Also, It is now my computers background. I am at home so I can see the thingy so I am at peace.....or wait a minute, maybe a little freaked out.....I HOPE YOU DIDN"T TOUCH IT!!!!!!!!
Only minutes until LOST!!!!
Holy Cow!!!!! I soooo didn't see any of that comin'!!! ps.....I really think I saw a person in the black smoke....
oh. and must have a reallllly big backyard....
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