Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Only 12 more hours until Lost!

Even Richard Simmons is excited.

Actually, I think this picture is from a dark day in Richard's life. It was taken after he assaulted some guy in the airport.
That one I would love to see!!! LOST! LOST! LOST! Hope the anticipation doesn't ruin it....
I am concerned that I will be so worked up that it will end and I will be "so that's it?!!??!!" and then my head will explode.
Thanks Brenz for the Garcia wig! Jack ended up not being able to use it because his presentation was yesterday. (I thought it was today) but the boys were wearing it last night...being all Jerry Garciaish.
Well, I am glad they are least had fun with it. It looks as if Richard got a little scared of the boys with the wig.
Hey all you OFFLers.....I plan to meet today with the head penguin to discuss the specifics of the OFFL Superbowl Winner festivities (as our little penguin is both working that day and has a very weird school schedule this semester). So as such, and in the spirit of the rules that state the winner gets to pick the meal, pick the place, and do nothing for the day, I would like the winner to list the meal she wants (all specifics plase) and me and my penguin friend will take it from there......
ps I don't know what adjunct means
Adjunct: A person associated with another in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity
is tonight the night that michelle rodriguez gets busted or something? why all the hype. and in regards to said hype, Public Enemy says "Don't believe the hype"
Michelle was already busted. Maybe she'll get eaten by the island monster tonight. One can always hope...
Going with the dessert/appetizer thingy

Lemon curd mouse raspberry little cakey things that Cait made so good
truffle balls (a shout out to r.s.)
chocolate covered strawberries
cream puffs
peach raspberry pie
chocolate fondue pot?

Brenz' famous chili
Cait's famous wraps or that other stuff she made with the stuff in it on pitas or something
foscia bread
mini,mini roast beef sandwiches
cheese fondue pot?

I thought we chose Jan 21st as the day at around 5pm at Molly Pumpkins. Is that still okay with everyone?

You do know that my chilli is made with people right? I try to get rich or powerful people, they are more tender. Either people or squirell
I would expect nothing less!
mmmmmmm....people chili
Although I do think richard is a bit shocked by that.
How many deal a meal cards are rich people?
crap!!! this darn job......I'm missing out on all the fun!!!! I love people chili!!!! As long as they are chocolate people...You do know that a secret ingredient in some chili is chocolate!!!
I'm pretty sure it's a free food.
for those of us easily confused....who is the rs shout out to with the truffles....uuuuhhhhh....truffles....
I use chocolate and cinnomin in chili
I think the rs stands for James Millson. Yesterday it was noted he was a fan of them, so i out 2 and 2 together there and i decided im pissed off. wait, that wasnt it.
You think Rich gets his eyebrows done? They are impecable
r.s.=richard simmons
truffle "balls" =hanging "balls" in reference to the Kathryn picture

nothing to do with hanging chads
Only 1 more hour until Lost!!!
Holy Crap!! Almost time for LOST!!!!
and about the truffles.....EEEEWWWWWWW!!!!! Good thing I'm a trooper or you might have ruined it for me!!!
Holy Cow!!! That was awesome!!!!
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