Monday, January 23, 2006


Que Bueno!

El oso es azul!
Y grande!

No es oso en casa grande y azul. Es oso grande y azul. Comprende? Si or no?
no.....except I think something is big......
oh yeah....still no picture til I get home......How many hours til LOST???
Why is the large blue bear in your house? Also - what happened to Nemo - I saw him earlier this morning, but he seems to have been replaced (possibly eaten) by this big blue bear.
no! Oso no come senor Nemo! Oso no en MI casa. Mi casa es marron, no azul. Un poco azul en mi casa para no oso. Nemo es por ayer por senor Malcolm. No por hoy. Hoy es un oso azul y grande. Para no en mi casa o tu casa. A menos que tu casa es azul. Entonces, un oso grande y azul es en tu casa. Adios!
Hey Folks!! Sorry I missed the festivities. I didnt get back until very late saturday night/ early sunday morning. But I know now that i can drive for 9 hours. Hope you all had fun.
Bienvenido, Senor Juanny Incendio! Como estas? La fiesta fue muy bien para nosotros anoramos tu!
I prefer En Fuego as opposed to inciendo. If you do not mind.
si, no problemo!
Gracias por un gran partido! Comimos mucho! Tom deseó los soplos poner el la mañana de domingo, y Malcolm deseó más melcochas. El azúcar se parece haber efectuado nuestras habilidades de lengua.
Ventaja, compañero de trabajo de habla hispana!

P.S. - I guess I am actually Señora Anaranjado.
no se melcochas?
No hay derecho! Para tengo una idea de porque las palabras fue muy grande!
pleasssseeeee......welcome back Johnny Cotter.......Good to see you made it safe and sound....hope youhad a great time.....we did miss you!!!!
melcochas = marshmallows - Malcolm has acquired an affinity for them.
I have a co-worker who speaks Spanish, so I have a bit of an advantage - but all this non -English speaking is making my head hurt :)

Translation of earlier:
Thank you for a great party. We ate lots!! Tom was looking for cream puffs on Sunday morning, and Malcolm was asking for marshmallows. All that sugar seems to have effected our language skills. :)
NEw Coach? GO BILLS!!!
I got a real jolt of fear when I saw "Mrs. Orrange". Knocked the spanish right out of me.
Entrenador nuevo? Va Billos!
I KNOWWWWW!!!! That looked so funny!!!
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