Thursday, January 26, 2006


Survivor Tryouts!

Make sure you go!
Today at the Summit Mall

Darn work is interfering with my blogging time!
SEriously? I should try out. With my abbility to eat anything and kill wild animals with sticks and crap, and yr knowledge of how to play the game, we could win
C'Mon Johnny!!!!! I'd vote for you to win a million bucks!!!! Who Wouldn't???? Don't forget to wear the hat.
I so want you to go!!!! Do it dude!
I figure if i wear the hat, and say "I like to start fires and kill animals" they would probably let me on. What would I have to do? like climb a wall? or is this just a see yr personallity thing?
OK, i will go, but someone needs to tell me where said mall is, cause i dont know.
Hip Hip Hooray!!!!! I will be so excited!!!!! Of course I have no idea where said mall is...and I think you only have to wear your smile to get picked.....that was not worded must also wear pants!!!
Summit Park Mall
6929 Williams Road, (between Lancelot and Sawyer Drive), Niagara Falls, 14304-3086

Other than that - don't really know where it is. Could try looking it up on mapquest.
Thank you for the info. I will map quest it. I just needed to know a general idea so i could do that.
Nuts to pants!!
They want totally type A personality so go nuts but not psycho nuts.
Come on Jen, I need way more help than that. Like specifics. I can be nuts, but not psyco nuts, but a little more. Like should i tell them i would spend the money on 500,000 $2 scratch offs? or i am a jedi and once killed a wookie just to watch him die. MORE HELP!!
hi people!!! :)
Hey Hey Beast!!

Yo, I looked up Type A personality. Should be easy to "fake" as i think i may fall into it. I have less hostility, but i am pretty wound up. Im a shoe in!!! GO BILLS!!!
are u seriously going?
Penguin, you should go to! I didn't have time to look up type A so I'm glad you did. Like I said, this darn job...

I know you probably shouldn't tell them your dog told you to do it and don't refer to your hand as Mr. Hand, but anything else goes!
Hell Yeah im going.
ok, no hand thing. got it.
I think i can do this. I think i will go the Jedi route. TV folk are suckers for Jedi. Or, i could use the ol' mind trick
Mind tricks are good! I am so upset that I haven't even been able to discuss lost today.

Rule #1


Even if you are getting paid to do it. Just pretend and take the cash.
Veronica Mars is gay!!!
Hey man...
Hey - you could be hostile if you want to.....just pretend the commish is trying to make you read. And ps - where is my LOST chatter????!!!!!

Any other tips before i throw myself to the lions of network reality TV?

Note to Robert Johnson;
Don't drink anything that is not corked. That's how they get cha!
I'd advise against telling them you're a porn star only cause they've already had one of those.....I can't wait to hear how it went!!! Ans I hope you have lots of fun.....We know you'll be a ham for the camera!!!

Hey hey
got ya, no porn
I think i will tell them i am the most metal dude they will ever have.
We could all read the Red Mask. It is pretty good. Didnt poe do the Pendulum as well?
Keep in mind that I refuse to read anything that is not endorsed by Oprah's Book Club....
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