Thursday, January 12, 2006


Turn on your Heart Light!

How many hours until the next
Lost Episode?!?
I don't think I can wait.

What? Are you going to beat me with your "Jesus stick"?
Charlie makes me laugh sometimes......and what a story on Mr. Echo.....and keep me posted....were there faces in the black smoke?????? and did Walt tell Michael to come and get him????? and Charlie's freakin' me out!!!!!....and I hope Hurley gets a girlfriend......I love Hurley...and his 156 million....
Yeah, that Charlie thing was so freaky. How many statues did the guy have?!? I was glad Echo laid the smackdown, but Charlie can be so funny. The comment about his scripter stick having blood on it. Teeheeheehee! :-)
Where the @#$% is my picture this morning? No more deal a meal cards for this blog!
Dude, funny thing. I woke up this morning with a Neal Dimond song in my head.
I missed lost i guess. I was watching a thing on PBS about Turkey. Wild stuff
I am lost on "Lost" but am interested in hearing more about these wild turkeys on PBS
Funny you should mention turkeys. They explained the origin of the term for our turkeys. In Turkey, the translation of the name of the bird means "from India" In france they call them something like From Spain. We cal them turkeys because they would get delivered on ships from Turkey. They are originally from Mexico, though. Also, Turkey got its name when the Ottoman empire collapsed, a General Turk took command and named it that. Like how Emporor Chi named his lands China
Does that mean there is a country out there called "Spam"? I sure hope so.
There most certianly is, The Lost Country of Spam. Hidden deep within the jungles of Morocco, guarded by the ancient tribe of the Mystery Meat. Those who find it rarely live to tell of the great pillars of spam. The worship the gelatenous god of goo. He is the one that puts that weird stuff in the can that surrounds the spam, i believe. Wait, I'm not sure about this. I should not have eaten that package of powdered gravy this morning
yes...powdered gravy bad...whole bag of sugar...good!
why the hell did I eat that!?!?
I was gonna do the mmm spam......still not sure why it was such a treat.....
It was a treat because it was mysterious.
Oh, the mysteries of the spam animal. More elusive than the unicorn. And yet more greasy when fried. And even more gelatinous than gelatin itself. Why do we consume thee oh, spam? Why? One of the most confounding mysteries of the world.
unicorn is stringy. goes well with a spanish red wine.
Shaka Chan!
Donde esta el bano? El queso es viejo.
Dobla ala izquierda a la biblioteca
So Mike Mularkey fights for his job a week ago and now he is going to resign????

Is he just trying to embarass Ralph???

I just hope that they don't try to make Marv the coach.

I'd take the salary cap problems left by John Butler over the mess the Bills are in now. I hope that something positve rises out of all of this.
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