Friday, January 27, 2006


Weevil's Revenge!

You watch a show that has a character named
Weevil and Thumper over Lost?!?
It's a pumped up Nancy Drew!
Where are the Hardy Boys when you need them.

Previously on Veronica...An FBI team, headed up by tough, seasoned Agent Morris, is called in to pursue Duncan after he breaks up with Veronica and flees with Meg's baby. Meanwhile, Wallace reveals the tragic reason why he returned to Neptune. Later, Logan asks his buddy Dick to help in a scheme to weed out which one of Weevil's P.C.H. Biker Boyz framed him for murder.
weevil looks so misunderstood...punk needs to be man handled by John Locke!
Weevil????? Weevil????? I don't think I can even comment on this.....
JB - Did you get to go??????
jb must already be on survivor location. He was so good they snapped him up and said "welcome to Hollywood!" Oh, wait, that's American Idol...
I did go, but they were full up when I got there. They gave me an address to send a 2 minute VHS cassette with me doing stuff on it. So, this weekend, I am going to make a tape. heheh. You should have seen some of the weirdos that were there. There was this lady in a cat suit and some guys with guitars and just random freaks. Pretty funny.
I'm glad you are still making the tape. Was it like a star trek convention? Or just a general weird fest?
General weird fest. Have you been to that mall? The whole thing is a giant boat show. There is a church in it called the Vinyard. I stopped in there because i know a guy in it, but at like 6pm they were signing away right nest to a cin-a-buns and across from a pokemon store. I think it is just Niagara Falls.
hi everybody!!! i have the day COMPLETELY off today!! :P
I wish I had the whole day off. I wish I had any of the day off!! Then I could sit at home and watch Veronica Mars and feel for the poor misunderstood bad boy Weevil. How can you resit the shaved head and tank tops?
Any of numerous beetles, of the superfamily Curculionoidea, especially the snout beetle, that characteristically have a downward-curving snout and are destructive to nuts, fruits, stems, and roots.
notice the definition says NOTHING about pouty misunderstood punk biker.
what does all this meean???
It doesn't mean anything really. I guess we are all just a bunch or weirdos. But that is what makes life fun!
Yes....please do not struggle with what it means......your brain might explode (speaking from personal experience). But tell in the world did you get a day off???? Did you bribe someone with a cream puff???
oops! I mean mmmmmmmmm.....cream puffs
Ok folks....I'm outta here....blowin' this popsicle stand and you know I'm hoping this site will not be abandoned over the weekend!!! Have a great day!
Why does everybody get a short day except me? I am VERY jealous. Tom wanted me to come home to go to the zoo, but alas I had to be here. Have a great weekend Molly!!
Dont feel bad Kathryn. Mark and I have been moving Dons office all day. The power went off for the entire building, and we had to keep on moving. OY!
In my job, it has somehow become my responsibility to figure out different computer programs and then show people how to use the point of this story is that I have a little spiel I give to people about how if I was any good at teaching I would have my summer's off!!! I'm figurin' that JB is the only one who has really been getting the shaft on this working full time it seems he has to get something removed from his abdomen to get any time off.....and he's runing out of parts!!!! But either way I feel for all the working slugs cause there's nothing like getting out a little early on a sunny Friday afternoon.....
where's the blog????
I'm off on weekends.
Oh I'm so excited!!! Somrtimes on the weekend I just talk to myself.....But it does make the excitment of the first comment on Monday morning just that much better!!!
I see that you have all devoted much time to Veronica Mars. You are all closet watchers!!!! Your secret has been revealed!!!!

What time is Nancy Drew on? Maybe I'll have to watch that too.
Nancy Drew can only bee appreciated in book form, under the covers with a flashlight....only then will you truly understand the secret of the clock tower.

And I'm still upset that poor Bess never got to be anything other than pleasantly plump....
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