Monday, February 13, 2006


The C stands for Christopher

Just thought you'd like to know...

Did that Cheney thing just happen? I hadn't hear anything yet. Oh, they just fry me!
hello !
May have been yesterday....apparently a long time friend of the family "witnessed" the whole thing......his "friend" came up behind him so Chaney shot him in the head and chest.......which seems clearly appropriate when hunting those vicious, unpredictible quail....
Yeah, he got em yesterday. brain fart to the olympics and shot the guy
I must have ANSWERS!!!!
Read this weekend that the writers of Lost have the first 7 years conceptualized. So - this could mean that the show runs for a whole bunch of successful seasons. But - it could also mean that if the show gets cancelled, you will never have the answers to all your questions. Think about it.
Could people in the Buffalo area please participate in a snow dance this evening. When the boys and I do a snow dance at home, all we manage to accomplish is to get a day off for Lar. Thanks in advance!
how bizarre that my response to the Lost dilema came before the lost dilema entry. It must have been one of those strange Lost time continuum thingies.
What?!? You people actually work on Monday? Where is everyone?!? I have been stuck in a time continuum and I can't get out!!!
hello? Helloooooo? Is it echoing in here or is it just me? Sigh.
Got 'em!
Some sad new...Uncle Owen has passed away. I'm sure Luke will be devastated. Wait...didn't the storm troopers get him already? Must be more of the space time continuum thingy...
would someone please read my e-mail list thingy and tell me I'm funny???
You are funny!!!! - and congrats on getting the job back. I like that you inspired a great blog picture today :)
did everyone get Lar's? I sent it last night but I'm not sure if it went out.
come on lake effect! Get those spoons under your pillow people!
We did get Larry's - the things you learn about people. The things you learn about toy fairy involvement :)
Molly: I love ya!! and you are funny
Yes, I got Lar's, he also is funny (in a weird not trying to be funny, kind of answering out of a wife's insistance kind of way)
Why spoons? I did my snow dance and it worked. I will get Eli on the ball tonight, maybe take him out to Marcellas
Holy Cow.......I got my pictures blocked at work again so I had no idea what the blog leader actually meant......little slow on the uptick I am....well it is Monday and all.....I may have to print it for my wall....or may have to print 23 of them for my wall...
ps....I don't know that he tries....but Larry makes me laugh...I'm off to do the snow dance....
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