Monday, February 27, 2006



The CIA hides messages for all
its operatives in Energizer double A batteries.
The FBI sticks to Evereadys.

Hey! It's YOUR mom!
Bode bugs the heck out of me, but man was he smart to market himself BEFORE the Olympics even started. That way he got his endorsement cash without having to win a thing. I don't know what that librarian was talking about...short track speed racing is awesome! I especially liked the relay where 3,000 people are on the ice at one time and they push eachother around.
hey! its MY lover!
Did you spend your weekend lying in front of the fire, naked, with your bodies glistening from the greases from consuming two pounds of ham?
dude, that made me throw up
anybody got a digital mint?
No mint, but I do have some batteries...
GROOOOSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! But I could use some batteries...
actually i spent my weekend dreaming about the wonderful love i shared with screech powers and how dreamy richard simmons is...
You people are just wrong!!
Since I spent a summer working for Eveready packing AA batteries, does that mean I have been tagged and may have some insider information?
ooooohhhhh!! Ooooohhhhh! Tell us what the messages are!

Penguins, your lover will be jealous! No one can compete with Richard and his man candy.
It's like a train wreck! I can't look away. His eyes are so beady. Penguins, do you ever lose yourself in them? When I feel the need for a good chuckle...I tell you, it works for me every time.
You guys seem a little squirrely!
US guys? It hink this whole thing is wacky. man candy. thats just gross. man candy.
But you're thinking about that man candy aren't you? You know you can't lie. candy....
you know it just had to be said...
i wanna go back to new york city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww!!!! The Penguins miss their man candy. That's so cute!
Dude, I think my friend Ming Tram kiked that dude right in his face
It was some serious Ming-Ming Tran kicking.
Mint Tram is pretty ruthless.
Why didn't I TIVO all the events so that I could watch them again this week and next??!! (it may be because I don't have TIVO, but I really shouldn't let that stop me) There is nothing on t.v. now!!
I was also totaly unprepared for the lack of the olympics. i sat down last night and just kind of starred at the tv waiting to see appolo anton-ono win one more time, but it never happened.
Mint Jam??? How many hours til LOST?
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