Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I have no idea what you are talking about!

Cough cough cough...ahem.

I know what I am talking about, and I know who did it!! Bwahhh, Ha, Ha!!! There will be consequences to the actions that have been taken :)
i dont know what anyone is talking about
At least it wasn't a bunny.
Barn!! Barn!! Truck!! Truck!! New!
There is no proof! You can not blame without proof! I swear we paid off that neighbor kid, so he better not say anything...about, um, nothing. Nevermind. But you have no proof! Consequences? That sounds like a threat. When I feel threatened, I give out bunnies. I have six little ones that need homes you know...
Malcolm is soooo cute! :-)
huh? I mean, duh?
Dude, i wish i had a huge house to take all those little bunnioes off yr hands. nothing makes you appreciate the world, God and life more than kisses from a bunny
did I just say that?
aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww :-)
The littlest bunnys are starting to jump around and they are so fuzzy. The medium baby bunnies are probably the size of Brenz bunny. They are so cute and curious. They come right up to you to check you out.
People always told me that bunnies are unfriendly animals that have no "People" skills. I think they are great. They dont make sounds like dogs or cats and are just as friendly. You just need to spend lots of time with them and challenge their minds, or they get angry. Kind of like people.
Lar has had Iona (bunny) in the back of his truck for almost two months now. Maybe two-three weeks ago he went to Guis to pick wood up to make a cage for her. That was when Bitsy had more babies so the baby set #1 went into the new cage. Then yesterday, he went to get more wood to finally make the cage for Iona. The guy at Guis who loaded him up both times wanted to know if he took his bunny everywhere.
I wish I had a bunny truck
I think that it is HYSTERICAL!!!! that he drives around with his bunny!!!! I am laughing right out loud.......
Lar has to be one of the most hard core individuals i know. Coaches football w a shaved head, can lift 4 of me, shoots anything that moves or pisses him off and he has a bunny, a girl bunny none the less in the back of his hard core truck. that is funny
It makes me wonder how much guts this guy had to ask Lar if he always had his bunny with him. I mean, did he think it through? Like, this guy might rip my arms out if he gets the wrong idea about me asking about the bunny...should I mention it? or should I just pretend this fluffy ball of fur is not in the back of this guys truck and was not in his truck the last time he was here. He probably wanted to mention it the last time but didn't have the nerve...he must have been drunk this time.
I wonder how long it would take to fill the back of a pick up truck with bunnies if you left a male and a female together...
The dude probably thought it was some way Lar went about getting victims to kill. "Yeah, hop in the back of my truck and sneak a peak at my rabbit. Just ignore all these pad-locks I have installed on the back window."
Works great on dumb rednecks.
"Hey, look, dinner." SNAP!
if the average litter is lets say, 5, w/ guestation being, what, 9 weeks., 2 after, before another ovulation. It would be easy. The tricky variable would be the growth of the rabbits. Do we assume that they all grow to be a foot cubed? I would, for the sake of argument say that.
so then you have the truck being about 12*8*6? so we have 576 cubed, which my calculator cannot do. Wait, what was the question again?
so i would say 5 1 foot cubed bunnies every 3 months. or am i off w the guestation time?
Are we talking full, or just the bottom layer, cause then i will need to calculate everything squared.
Have i again taken a hypothetical question a bit too far?

like that time i figured out how relative time effects my hanging out.
Just so you know, my experiment w/ relative time did have to do with a cucoo clock Jute fixed. That may shed some light on it. by the way, i found you get less time to hang out if you go by a Jute clock, unless Eli fixes the weights on them by hanging more stuff off of them. 20 minutes to the hour, my ass
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