Friday, February 24, 2006


Look who Caity picked up in NYC!

It's either her new boyfriend
or new best friend!
Don't ask her which...she might get mad.

When I showed Jack the picture, he told me to turn it off or he would pee his pants.
I love your boys!!!!
I think the blog should once again be all over the place.....mainly to confuse those that are watching us.......I have all the explanation I need, now that I know there is a monkey in my head.....
Random is good. I do have to say that I'm starting to enjoy the lady who is afraid of a leaf. Because that tribe is so neurotic, I don't want to lose any of them. Old man tribe is too boring.
Every time you sharpen a pencil, a zombie eats a kitten. Sharpen those pencils wisely my friends.
MEllow yellow's got me by the brain banana
Almonds are a member of the peach family.
The closest relative to the tomatoe is the potatoe and not because they sound alike. and the closest to a banana is a cherry
but what is closest to an orange....a monkey????
sweet!! :)
So Cait! Tell us about your new love. We're dying to know! Is he a good kisser? Does he own a toothbrush? Is he really a he? Are those all his real teeth? Don't be shy. Fess up!
When I first saw this picture it was captioned "hey! It's your mom!" I still roll on the floor every time I hear that and see this. Sometimes it's not good cause people can hear me. I can't tell you how excited I was to finally find one that I could use.
Leonardo DiVinci invented the scissors. Is he my father?
Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. Natures cruel joke. We are to become beady eyed, big nosed, elephant eard freaks before we die.
humans eyes stay the same so that when we are young, we have huge eyes and everyone will think we are cute and pay us attention. It has to do w our naturla defense against our mothers leaving us because we are ugly, like im sure caits new boy toy's mom left him
I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know if he even had a mother. I think he was a product of kitten eating zombies. Cait did say he was a hunk o' burnin' love.
mmmm... Kittens
2 fights right
you must cut lean
you gotta take the elevator to the mezzanine, chump
change and its on
Super bon-bon
super bon-bon

mmmm... super bon-bon
I don't want to work. I just want to bang on the drum all day.
Squirrels are people too! Okay, fine. Not really. But we're nuts like people! And nutty about people! Mostly the ones that are squirrly.
chitter chitter chitter!!!!
I am very upset
that we have yet
to get the down low
about the fellow
that Cait thinks is divine
and loves cause he's fine
I wish she'd tell us
before I get jealous
Oh, please!
nuts to that
I concur. But mostly I just wanted to see the picture.
Do you know that people eat monkey toes in Indonesia!?! They deep fry them and eat them right off the bones. Huh. I'm not to sure how I feel about that. It probably tastes like chicken.
I'll be honest. Not that I was making stuff up before. This picture is truly one of my favorites next to the one with Nick Nolte and the doorway to my "real" hood. I may have to keep it for a while. Every time I see it I get a good chuckle. The kind where my eyes water cause I'm trying not to burst into laughter in front of people. Cait, I can't thank you enough for the pic of your new man. Good times. Good times.
If you don't truly feel the laughter bubbling from you, say "hey! It's your Mom!" A couple of times. Cracks me up every time.
I am a little concerned that it's your mom AND Catie's new hunk of burnin' love......Either way, I'm smilin'!
If anyone needed another reason to think that Bode Miller is just a halfrate competitor trying to drum up his own publicity - this is what he had to say after failing miserably in the olympics

"Me, it's been an awesome two weeks," Miller said. "I got to party and socialize at an Olympic level."
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