Wednesday, February 22, 2006



A Big Purple Rectangle!!!

As opposed to a small yellow square.
Alright, maybe not so big, but it is purple and it is a rectangle.
Sorry, running a little late to work. Shouldnt molly be back by now?
Hello? Hello?!!??!! I am getting worried!
Oh thank goodness. You don't understand the stress...thinking I was the only one working. It's enough to make one take a sick day.
did you ever wonder how a seemingly one-tracked mind guy(all he knew was flying the falcoln and dropping shipments at the first sign of imperial cruisers) could speak the language of the wookie? How did Han do it? I am not saying he was an idiot, but it just seems out of character. He also understood like 5 other languages. Did he go to school or something? what up with that
Today at 8 pm on channel 7 the Lost Pilot is showing again. It is a perfect way for you non losties to get into things. Let the peer pressure get to you. Watch it. Just watch it. The first time is free. Unless you have cable. Then they screw you with their overcharging. Damn cable companies.
But the olympics!!
well i guess it is just the stoopid long program. i could care less about figure skating
Wasn't he some underground revolutionary helping out the wookies in their fight against the empire? Maybe he was some undercover, covert CIA type and WAS very educated. If that is the only hole you found in the George Lucas story, then you have missed a bunch.
You seem to miss the underlying subtleties of figure skating. The difference between the triple lutz and the trip toe is beautiful. Sasha Cohen writes poetry on ice with her skates.
Are you on something? I mean besides a chair.
Oh certain "debunker" or should I say "weirdo" not dare to discuss Star Wars unless you are planning on paying mindless praise to the wonderousnessish of it as a whole.
No one seemed to have seen the purple rectangle. Are you color blind? Or maybe shape challenged?
A) still dont get figure skating
B) i guess i dont care to.
C) star wars is great, but i like the idea of the covert opps guy, but why is he flying cargo for Jaba then, getting on the inside>
D) cannot see color that well. purple looks like navy blue which looks like black, but i do like yr black triangle
Do not question the ways of Star Wars. It will make you nutty.
Space Nuts!!!
no,no,'s not Space Nuts, it's Space Junk!
I saw Kathryn walking today. I was in GBSB and you were going by , but i couldnt run out and yell, cause then they think yr stealing.

space nuts!!!!
Kathryn was stealing Space Nuts!?! And it was caught on tape!?! Cool.
The thoughts of stealing are especially valid at GBSB where they have the big sign that says "please remove hats, sunglasses, etc. upon entering the bank" Sorry I missed you- I was looking down Main Street for you when I walked by.
did ya hear they found a new poisenous frog? that's sweet. next christmas, beware!
they made me take off the bomber hat the other day. they were like "even though we know you, it is policy." space nuts to that!
I am officially declaring "Short Track Speed Skating Relay" the worst winter olympics sport ever!! It is ridiculous!!!
Team pursute is what it is called
Hey everybody!!! Persue this!!! (Which doesn't really mean anything, Ijust thought it was funny). Yea. I'm Back. had a great time. Decided to take off today too so I'll be back and ready to blog in the morning. Hoping there aren't people expecting me to work.
Actually - Team Pursuit is an event on the long track speed skating.
The relay is short track where they push one another at the transition points - as I said before - it is ridiculous!!!

I thought they called that pursut.
I watched Applo anton ono do that. it weas funny, but, yeah, dumb. Still my favorite is biathalon. skki and shoot. i think i am going to train the next 4 yrs to do that. i couls shoot the rings off a flame anyday.
It sounds way better than that biathelon i went to at marccellsa. I thought i was going to have to shoot and ski, but boy howdy, was i wrong. Found out though, that when i need to, i can run fast as hell
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