Thursday, February 16, 2006


Lost is pulling out all the stops!

I don't really know what that means,
but it was a really good episode!

I can't wait until next week! So many questions... It was quite the man episode but it looks like next week is about the chicks.
Oh I'm so glad you got the answer to that.....I couldn't wait to hear!!!!! I am also glad that they have bothe a doctor and psycholgist on the island......what island doesn't??? I can't wait to find out about Claire.

PS.....From yesterday's blog.....I love cookies for breakfast!
Apparently the symbols mean "cause to die" or kill. It was so freaky!!! I think it solidified John Locke always pressing the button. I wonder what season or what episode they will have the button not being pressed.
The message boards are going crazy with the symbols so it may take some time to figure out what they really are. That "other" creeped me out at the end with his "look". Freaky Deaky!
My boys occasionally enjoy cookies for breakfast. I mean what the hey? They probably have the same nutritional value (or better) than some of the sugar cereals and pancakes use the same ingrediants. As long as they have milk with them it's all good.
I found this too!

"Henry Gale is Dorothy's uncle from Wizard of Oz. The professor (the wizard) came to Oz in a hot air balloon. I believe he claimed to be from Minnesota. This guy is completely full of crap."

This show is awesome!
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! That is even more AWESOME than before!!!!!!!!
Sounds like i am out of some awesome loop. heheh
i think it may be too late to get into the show, so...
but i like those olympics

curling curling curling
Hasek is hurt! I do not want to feel good at another's pain, but w Hasek out, Lord Stanley's Cup is almost ours!!!!

Go Olypics heheh
whats with the hyroglypphics and constalations?
I am so lost on this Lost discussion that I will just point out that the olympic curling "athletes" are complaining that the ice is too smooth and their rocks are not curling.

GO Olympics!!!
chitter chitter chitter
Hey, I'm Johnny's brother!!

THere is this song by Gob called Mingtram. It is hysterical. the line goes
"One of these days I'll have my revenge. My friend Mingtram will kick you right in the face"
I cannot help but laugh especially because the guy says it all serious
I am still stunned by the whole Wizard of OZ thing........too cool!!
seriously, it says "mingtram will kick you right in the face"???? seriously, I love that song when it comes on, but had no idea who sang it or what they actually said. Now, I'll actually have to get the song and listen
are you guys serious???? That show is whack!!!! I'm not sure what is going on, but I'm with the whole government conspiracy thing and these people are just strapped into chairs (matrix stlye or perhaps Jacobs Ladder style ((now that was freaky))) and a bunch of doctors are just messing with their heads. That's why things can just mysteriously appear and disappear.
cookies for breakfast rock. (or so I hear, just a bowl full of hearty oatmeal and an apple for me)
sometimes I wish that someone worked when I did.

Notice I do not want to be working when you people are. 8:00am!!! crazy time. Whose not sleeping at that hour????
Dude, I have been looking all day for the lyrics or that song and I cannot find it. I swor it was Gob, the dude on the radio said it was. I looked under "better run away" and such as well. I guess that only a reference librarian can find this one
And if you dont find it, my friend Mingtram will kick you right in the face
OK, Gob' foot in mouth disease album has it. I was just looking at old pages.
is it just me or are there really just a bunch of stupid sports in the winter olympics???

Just to name a few:

short track speedskating?? roller ball anyone??
team pursuit speed skating???
freestyle moguls??
figure skating?? How can the judges act all concerned when someone two foots a landing and say "that's really going to cost them" and then someone crashes and falls and delays their rutine for two minutes and then get a silver medal???

Now biathalon - that's a sport!!!

It rocks being able to watch coverage of the olympics all day!!

Maybe I should start an olympic watcher blog of my own.
1st Snowboard cross rules.
2nd nothing is better than biathalon. I want to do that so bad. Show off how well i can xcountry ski and shoot. that figure skating silver thing pissed me off. Did they get points cause some dumb broad smaks her face? although it was fun to see her faceplant, as it is in most sports (see freestyle mougles) it was total BS about the silver
it is actually Ming Tran

and when i catch up, it will be great.
i'll set a trap for you. i just can't wait.
one of these days, one of these days
my friend ming tran'll kick you right in the face.

It is Gob that sings it

I think that I may actually know a Ming Tran
I guess that I was 15 minutes late on that one.
Hey all you vacationers!!!! Hope anyone who is not workin' for the man today has a great day....I considered staying home today to make sure my house didn't blow down but then I realized even with my super strength I might not be able to stop it....
So, I know it is early, but I was exspecting a vacation blog start this morning.
hey guys!!
Hey Beast! What are you doing up this skwerly?
And where is the blog master?
I am lost without her guidance. I bet she's eating chocolate chip pancakes. And here I am, stuck at work like a sucker
im on my way to school :( and then work :( ...but tomorrow im off to my favorite place EVER!!!! :)
Frank's sunny italy?
She's heading my way!!
Me too!!
Oh, right. With Maggie.

Have fun there meng. Mom said you guys are going to the uber crazy marriot for something. at least check it out. i asked the door man if there was a bathroom around and he was like "Yeah, 8th floor" so i went. It was a huge mall and the bathroom was in a bar, but like a crazy snooty bar. i peed on the seat
Molly - are you headed to NYC also?
hahaha way to go!!
Dude, I do not care if it is a four day weekend for a blog master that shall go un-named, but what about us? The faithful bloggers that wake up only to see what wacky picture and comment have popped out of our fearless leaders mind? I'm going back to bed
Thank God yr back!!!!
I could feel chocolate chip pancakes being consummed (with the help of the force). Glad to hear you all have the day off. have fun
I am so upset that there was crazy bar pee talk without me. I did in fact have chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Lar got off today to because of a wind day...the boys and I feel hosed. Have fun in the big apple! Stay away from the prostitutes and I would probably steer clear of China town. Now that I think of it, Broadway probably has alot of "free spirited" people that you need to steer clear of. I don't think Yoko Ono is there anymore, but if you see her, move to the other side of the street. Even if it means crossing eight lanes of crazy traffic. It will be worth it. Trust me. Say hi to Joe when you see him from me. You will see him.
Even though I am Korean, China town is cool. They have all the $5 purses and cheap electronic equipment. I also had the best General Tso's ever there. and heard one of the weirdest conversations ever that involved a woman saying "You know how I feel about weakness. When the dog whines, I just want to kick it across the room"
It's some more weird crazy lost time travel thingy stuff since I posted thoughts before yours yet they came after yours. Time continuum thingy. Weird.
I do appreciate the fact that ming tram has been visiting skwerl stuff. I was pretty upset that no one mentioned it...I mean suzy was upset...
Dude, how do you know about Suzies blog?
I told her silly!
chitter chitter chitter
(can also be interpreted as bizarre, insane laughter)
It was totally taken for insane laughter.
Wow, nothing since before noon. We must all be getting ready for the big weekend. It was hasek's groin. He is out for the season. Sir Stan, here we come!!

Everybody have a great day off in honor of the death of Hunter S. Thompson. That is why we have the day off, right?
That's why I'm taking off
No posts since Thursday??? I'm very disappointed :(
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