Tuesday, February 28, 2006



Do they really taste as good as Tom says?

I tried it out on Jack and he giggled, so it passed my test.

Only 37.5 hours until a NEW episode of Lost!

Nothing on t.v.? What about skating with the stars? Kind of like Olympics. Huh? Huh?

Go Super Beetles!!!!

(Drat...is football really over?)
Enjoy your Fat Tuesday!

Eat your body weight in cream puffs!

Make yourself a bacon, butter sandwich!
March Madness is coming up if anyone is interested in doing and OFFL bracket. Although that doesn't really make sense...Orrange Fantasy Football League Bracket for March Madness. I would have to rename OFFLBFMM. Although it does sound like "awful" "barfim". Since their really is no "R", the name would be Orrange Fantasy Football League Bracket Really For March Madness. OFFLBRFMM. It is awful to barf. Especially when you have braces with those hooky thingies on the roof of your mouth. Things get caught...uhg.
i am kind of mad now., Feb 28 madness. worms are ok if you prepare them properly. you know, everything tastes better w italian dressing
Cream Puff Party at Jen's - we are so there!!
Skating with the Stars, does not bring to mind the poetry on ice that is Irina Slutskaya.

Besides - where is my curling!!!
Dude, my olympic hero is that canadian currling guy. he was like 70 and fat and bald and won. it was sweet. and the japanese fans with the curling rocks on their heads were sweet too
My Olympic hero was that squirrel, who did the pole vault and then collected the most nuts. Man, he was awesome! The way he carried those nuts in his cheeks! It was like he was just eating dinner. And then he ran up the tree to escape! Pure magic.
That skwerl was on fire that day. i have never seen a steeple chase that fast before
And it wasn't even me that wrote about the cream puffs....however, I will be there for any cream puff party.
My friend Ming Tram and I will be at the "Eat yr Weight in Cream Puffs" party
What time is this cream puff party - because I am ready to eat!!!
I am glad we are having a cream puff party, cause i was just going to eat half of my weight in crisco
whew! Glad we saved you from doing that, cause let me tell you, it does not help you get through tight spots. Sure you may be slippery, but it just makes it harder for people to get you out of that hole. Sure the butter flavored is tasty, but it's just not worth it.
Is there anything you need us to bring for the cream puff party besides our appetites? Figure we will be there around 7:00p.m.
So who is giving up what this year?
I was thinking of work. i thought about blogging, but there would be a wrath worse than God's if that were to happen
I was going to give up cream puffs after I gorged myself on them tonight, but alas, it appears that the cream puff party host has gone into hiding.

Where are the cream puffs??????
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