Wednesday, February 15, 2006


You know the drill...

Only 13 hours until Lost!

you know you want to watch...
The excitment is overwhelming!!!!! I just may be able to make it through this crappy day....
O.K. - so I saw my first Lost commercial last night. What is with the "room" they are in. It looks like a persons library or study. Is there a big fancy mansion on the island that they are now living in??
I didn't see the commercial but a big part of Lost are the character's flashbacks. It could have been from that or...THERE COULD BE A BIG FANCY MANSION ON THE ISLAND!!!! How cool would that be. Only 12 and a half hours to go!
Hey Football Fans!!!
I was worried JB. I was thinking you may have been taken ill from all the candy yesterday.
No, just caught the late (short, of course) bus
Sometimes I wish I was stuck on an island with a cool mansion on it. My flashback might consist of me killing my co-workers.
a donde estan mi familia?

i watched a thing last night on PBS about the universe. It turns out instead of slowing its expansion, it seems to be going faster. That means that theere is a force we cannot comprehend acting on us. Einstein said there may be one, but he then renouced it, but some other dude proved it. That means that in a billion years all the stars will just fade out and that will be it. no huge explosion or "Big Crunch" just kind of a dwindle. kind of makes me feel even less significant.
my flashback would be of weird colors and sounds, maybe some gratefull dead fans or something. man, i hate the dead
So who has next monday off?
I am happy to say that today is my last day until Tuesday.
Tu familia estamos aqui. Para trabajamos. Es mal. No me gusta nada. No tengo accentos. Hasta luego!
Yes, until later.

I love translating literally. Like telling people "Of nothing" instead of yr welcome, as it is the spanish translation. and it sounds more... well, more something
Accentos is from my Larry Spanish. When in doubt I always refer to my Larry spanish. An example...howo are youo doingo? I amo fineo. Byo! Translation...would you like the pickle? To bad cause I'm eating it. Go do some work.
Only 8 more hours until Lost! I don't know if I can hold on that long.
If I was stranded on an island, it would probably be like my picture.
Of course I have to work on Monday - it is a "free day" as some a current employer for JB and a former employer for myself used to say. I will be free to do a lot of filing - whopeee!!!
I acctually got it off this year!!
When reminded, aforementioned boss said, what, really?

loss of a free day. nuts
Off until Tuesday????? Yea!!!!!! Ooh I'm getting excited for Lost!!!
Only 6 and one-half hours until...
It's a nutty world!
Hey Malcolm's mom, I was just speaking w/ Jenna, or i as like to call her Lady Benzing (as she is like Mark only a girl) She was amussed at our relation. And knew all about Malcolm:)
Oh yeah. And why am I not invited to Perssonious breakfast?
We had breakfast pizza!!! Only in Buffalo :) It was yummy, but I was hoping for a batch of cookies with some milk.
Jenna brings the cookies, but you have to talk to that Otis dude. His name is all over them, meng. I will ofter have lunch w Otis. I am always asking the other Docu-punks about him, when he will show up, how much of him. I love you, Otis Spunkmeyer
Eat me!!!
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