Thursday, February 23, 2006



There is really nothing else to say...

...except holy cow is it hard to find a good zamboni picture that I can use! It was the same with the purple rectangle. You think you're coming up with a pretty easy idea and BAM! You have to search 30 pages!!! before you find a suitable darn purple rectangle! Oh the trials, the trials...
Now if I searched for Weird Monkey, NO PROBLEM! There are lots of good, weird monkies that I could use. I may have to have an hourly change of pictures to weird monkies. Please don't ask me why I was searching for weird monkies. It may hurt your feelings.
Let the monkey shine begin!
I really hope they are not making Molly Pumpkin work today. And did JB miss the bus again!?!?!
There are just so many good monkey pictures! I don't know which one to choose. Although I am finding the difficulty with the monkey pictures is that they just don't fit so I can't use some of the really good ones.
They are!!!! Hate this!!! And my phone got moved to my new office but not my computer or any other stuff so go figure.....But I had to stop back and check in. One thing I learned on my vacation is that me and Catie cannot sit together on a plane. I didn't think she would respond as well and Jen did to the nails digging into her arm....

Go weird monkeys (I say this because I am thoroughly convinced that it is no way a reference to me).
Dang 'o. leading us to my daddies new world order. heheh

I love zuccinnis, the best part of hockey
Hey Mo, was Cait cool on the plane?
You can never tell w her if she is going to take something in stride or freak out. i like planes.
My myspace page is just me making zamboni faces.
Stupid AngelFire...I'll try again.

saw mom yesterday and she told me you said you and Cait couldn't sit together but now I get the reason why. She must not have that arm of steal...

There is an entire page of GW and monkey faces. It just cracks me up! This is one where he is trying to look intelligent by wearing glasses.
There's the monkey!
hello everybody!!!
hey buddy! welcome home!!
Yes. Steel arms are helpful when traveling with me. Probably the terminator would be the best bet. Since traveling with you, I have also added the Lost plane crash sequence to my incredibly long list of plane crash senerios. Which, by the way I had totally forgotten about the pilot!! and boy that Saywer was looking good.....woo hoo!!! Can't wait for next week! I also saw jack on the Daily Show last night who did report that the writers will eventually tie everything together and there will someday be a final resolution, and even though I'm sure it will be years from now, it did make me feel better. Now if they would only show more than one week in a row, I'd be a happy girl!
Oh holy monkey. How art thou?
The whole pilot getting grabbed makes me wonder why Echo and Locke didn't get eaten or mauled. Are there two monsters? Did the pilot really piss off the smoke monster thingy?

They better make sure it's wrapped up at the end. I need conclusions! On the video tape from last week where they showed Sayid his village getting the poison gas, some of the numbers were on the bottom of the screen. The numbers are great!
Oh yeah. Totally love the numbers. That is one thing that better make sense. The numbers are bad. Abd even though when Hurley says it he means bad bad, Iwhen I say it i mean 70s pimpin' bad.
Has the transformation begun?? I have all of Friday night, saturday and Sunday available so let me know.
ps.....What a perfect day for monkeys.....which I once again assert that I am not one of.....
Transformers? Sweet dudes, im down
We actually had to start last weekend. (Gary who built our house is doing our basement) Lar still has some staining to do (not as much as a full house thank goodness and plus Gary is going to try and use some of the extras that we had from when we did the trim for the house) Notice I said Lar cause boy do I not want to stain. We didn't get the pressured "It has to be done by Monday" which was nice. We will have to have a basement party when it's done.
JB, we have a mini room for you in the basement but it has a half wall so let your exhibitionist side shine! :-)
Sweet! When do i move in?
Drive it like it's hot
I said drive it like it's hot and I friggin' mean it!!!
this is just so I can see the spock monkey again before I retire him. Oh wonderful spock monkey!
That's right. It's Brass Monkey.
shizzle mannizzle!
Crazy thing about the Heidelberg Monkey - I think I have a picture of myself in that monkey's head!! Honestly . . . I was there.
But now I fear that the monkey lives inside my head.
That's so cool! I want to go in the monkey's head. I don't know so much about the monkey in my head. It would fight too much with the gerbil.
That Funky Monkey!
It's so hard to know what to end with. There are so many good monkey pics! Have some good mojo jojo juju!
How did it go from the thing that makes ice shiny to monkies? and some where in there the pres and lost and airplanes. we are all over the place today. i think i remember a dog telling me to steal a car too. wild stuff
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