Friday, March 03, 2006


Believe it or not!

I'm walkin' on air.
I never thought I could feel so free!

My pet peeve is snooty cavemen. Where do they get off?
The greatest american hero could have been related to Napolean. Dynamite that is.
To answer Molly's question of yesterday of how many cream puffs. All of them
Jack Bauer will feel my wrath!!!!!
Uh OH.
Someone is taking on Jack Bauer? This should be cool. Jenny may be the one person Jack may not be able to take. Well, when it comes to cream puffs.

Am I still babysitting MJ? or as I like to call it "Red Bulls and peeps 'til we puke" night
I can't seem to find the manual for my costume either...
It really kind of messes with a super hero's day.
Costume manual? what is going on round here
It's usually found in the invisible pocket.
i think i tore my invisible pocket on an invisible nail the other day. And it gave me a very real draft.
Walking on the beach,
Walking in the sand
Walking on the beach with a gun in my hand
I'm alive
I'm dead
I am the stranger

or wait, was the R. Smith? comments didn't go through....I think it was something about JB not being old enough to know who the greatest american hero was.....I'm pretty sure he thinks the reference is to Jack Bauer. I mean, who wouldn't?
If Jack Bauer was cleaning my house in an effort to reduce the impact from the terrorists, how long would it take him? Do terrorists have to be people? Or am I allowed to consider the icky orange ladybugs terrorists? Which is weird cause mostly I love anything is my favorite color you know...I'll have to check with GW on this. I bet he'll be on my side on this one. Should take the heat off the nuclear program in Korea. Oh wait, I forgot, his new dog already did that.
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