Thursday, March 09, 2006


Excuse Me...


Since Tom seems to have so much time on his hands, I figured he was ready for a bunny! They are ready to leave their mommy, and Malcolm seemed to love them.
I know where you live...
Not that I have done it before, but a "drop off" could be arranged...
If Ming Tran is mad and wants change for a button, you better give it to her and fast. Like yesterday.
Jack Bauer may be the only one who would look at her funny. But he'd still give her change.
What would make you say that Tom has so much time on his hands? Has he been misbehaving again? He made banana bread yesterday - but this is something that any good househusband should be doing - not necessary showing that he has too much time on his hands. :)
WHere did you find that picture? and is that what she is saying? the full size veiw still doesnt show me the words
She gave it to me and it's a secret message to Jack Bauer. Probably something about kicking him in the face if he doesn't give her change for a button.
I want Jack Bauer and Ming Tram to fight. That would be kind of like the Chuck Norris v. Jack Bauer fight. A rip in time. But, we have to remember, apparently Ming Tram is also a Jedi and I do not think that even Jack Bauer can beat the Force
Hey - kathryn was telling me about those bunnies. I would love to have one if you are giving them away. When would be a good time to come out?
Of the closet? Don't worry! We already know. I bet Tom is getting ALL the bunnies.
Does anyone have any good rabbit recipes? And not that lousy Welsh Rabbit! I know there is no meat in that one. Fool me once, shame on you - you won't get me with that crap again.
You do realize if you eat Malcolm's pet, not only will he be traumatized, but he will look for it and ask for it for a very long time and in a very loud voice.
mmmm... bunny

You should styart making yr own mad bomber hats. you could make about 4 w the size of yr rabbits.
does anyone think if i put my red-eared slider (female) in with don's painted box turtle (male) they would have hybrid babies? or would it not work. Someone google it for me. or ask jeeves. why else would i have a librarian brother?
hey guys!!!
It's a D'Youville reunion! Tom, I really miss you. If you're not doing anything, could we maybe go somewhere...for..."coffee"?
omg this is too funny!!! finally, some humor
Does anyone remember how to play duengeons and dragons? i am thinking about expanding my gaming a bit. I was about to buy a started kit, when i remembered i had some fellow nerd siblings. any books still laying about? or should i ask jeeves
Is Caitlin still around in the city? I used to have such a crush on her!! Would love to get back in touch.
Just ask Ken Stachowski. I think he is well versed in the ways of D&D.
What do you mean finally some humor? Just cause you like Veronica Mars (you and Jeff Simon) doesn't mean we haven't been funny. We're a laugh a minute here. Our own stand up comedy show.
Nerd Siblings?!? Please, I only dated guys that played. I never played myself...that anyone can prove...
I was going to make the same comment about the humor level of this page. i demand you find a funnier blog (w excewption to suzy skwerl)
if you dated guys, you should know. i know way more than i want to about softball.
The journey continues . . . You have just entered a dark forest that is guarded by a troll with the ability to walk silently. You and your companions need to get into and through this forest to gain the next key to your quest. Proceed with caution.
you bastards!
I have almost played every possible rick game you can think of. I even have my own rule book (which is cool, black are vampires and they can attack countries they do not boarder, but cannot be more than one away, blue are werewolves and get an extra attacker die, red are trolls and get an extra defender die and so forth) i need to take my nerd to the next level. There is also this sweet looking game called hero scape. Cait saw it w me. Looks like D&D but a board game.
considering i made the first ken kresse comment, someone's messing with me...hmmmmmmmmm?
BEAST! What it be holmes?
Really, what is going on here. I have not looked at this blog since last week (again, I don't work the daily grind).

Any more mentions of Ken S. and this blog will need to be taken off of the air (or whereever it exists) (Unless, of course, we are going to start trying to find each other by feeling our auras, then we'll definately need Ken's help)
My next door neighbors seem to be heavily into that sort of thing. You could always go over an knock.
You want to be a beast? You are going to need to be a little more specific than that. There are so many different types, with powers that can vary greatly. Be sure to visit the D&D website, print out one of the character sheets and select your skills and abilities before continuing on this quest.
'cuse has come to play in the Big East Tourney.

Maybe they can keep it rolling and make some noise in the NCAAs
I'm afraid of the dungeon master.
So it appears that Dubai ports has given up its interest in running the US ports that it aquired in its deal with Oriental Steam.

If Halliburton (or KBR) ends up running these ports, then I will be convinced of the Cheney conspiracy. I was listening to the radio the other day and some guy was saying that they came forward with the worst possible choice and after everyone yelled and screamed Halliburton would step right in and take control (a la the Harriet Mires choice for the Supreme Court. They knew everyone would think that she was unqualified and make a big stink, then they come in with Alito, there first choice all along and people can't really complain again because it would look like they were just being obstructionist. I'll have to keep my eye on this one)
GWB=Sith Lord
It's hard to surpass the hilarity of skwerl stuff. But I think my subject matter makes it all to easy for me. He's nutty! Chitter! Chitter!
Yo! Brenz,

You may want to take a look at this site


Apparently, you can send your own bands music to them and they will listen to it and possibly add it to their library and then other people would have to listen to DAP
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