Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Here you go!

I hope your belly feels better!

That lime guy was starting to worry me, so I thought I'd help him out.
Only 13 hours and 15 minutes until a brand new Lost!!!
My only plan is to be on my not in front of a comfy fire so that I may watch the ENTIRE episode.....
I saw the previews for the new Lost episode - it looks RIDICULOUS!! What are these people - all spaced out on drugs! Do they have no clue what is going on around them? Anyways . . .
Darn red x.
I only want to be surrounded by yes men. Therefore, there shall be no craxy talk dissin' Lost. Only crazy fan talk.
You do realize, Jeff Simon, that you are not allowed to criticize Lost on this blog. Especially not on Lost Wednesday. Especially not when you watch Veronica Mars. A show with a weasle as a character. Judge not what you do not understand.
Look! We posted our fury at the same time! :-)
I hope everyone can see the lime in the coconut now.
What an absolutely gorgeous day. I cannot believe I am still inside.
nuts to being inside!!
i think i am going to get lost soon..
I want to live on a desalite island, I want to be like georgia O'Keefe

or maybe Michael Jackson in Disney Land
I want to know who is playing hooky today and wants to go to the zoo with the boy and me? Let me know :)
DUDE, i would love to, but i am not playing hookey. and i cant say my apendix hurts anymore, although my overies are kind of sore
The zoo with Fuzzy sounds wonderful! But I have coordinate geometry calling my name...
Ohhhhh!!! I bet fuzzy loves the zoo!!! I am also attached to a desk for the time being..allowed to leave only to go to a smellier place with more yucky people.....but I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
Grandma says:

I played hookey yesterday, so today I have to work. I was at a funeral on William St. and then to lunch on Crocker, just past Reiman St in Sloan.
I am jealous!
I just escaped for a lunch hour walk, and it was well worth it. Oh how I needed that vitamin D!
Boy - am I smiling!!! I am keeping you all down. Yeah me!!!
stupid man
Crap. I wanted to be 20.
Crap again.....I'm still chained to the stinky place...
i saw a phillip k dick book (total recall, minority rteport, blade runner) called the Crap Artist. i think it was written about me, but many years ago. because i think i am a crap artist

good night and Godspeed
hmmmm.....right back atcha!
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