Thursday, March 16, 2006


Let the Madness begin!

(And the eating Angies Pizza and Sliders)

Is it time for Bracketology 101?!?
i have to go tonight to get some angies. And I dont even think CBS comes in on my TV
We will have Angies, sliders and cable at our house hold if you care to join us for some madness. And basketball.
On Yahoo news there is a story of a kid who recited 8,700 digits of pi.
That is just insane! In our Discovery Magazine, it says the highest digits memorized in Pi is over 80,000. That person has no life.
i had a friend that could do over 100 and i thouught that was nuts. hell, i usually forget my birthday
Lucas Agrees to Write ‘Star Wars’ TV Series


The series will focus on the missing years between Revenge of the Sith and the original Star Wars movie, released in 1977.

Producer Rick McCullum said at Monday night's Empire Awards, "We're very excited--we just got confirmation George Lucas has committed to writing the Star Wars TV series.

"I guess this is the news all fans have been waiting to hear."

Filming on the TV series is expected to commence next year.
this evil man must be stopped
I am completely flabbergasted. And I'm not even sure what that word means. How can you make a t.v. show of Star Wars? Who are you going to get to play these characters? Is it going to be the real Darth Vadar voice? If not, then throw the whole thing out!
That is poretty zanny
he cannot spend the money to make it look good, so it will be cheesy. i just hope it isnt star trek cheesy
you know it will be! Blast the man!
He might as well call it Stargate: the empire.

Who knows. Maybe it will be cool, or it could just be a half hour of Lucas counting money
or swimming in it like Scrouge McDuck
Lucas counting the money with a tiny clip of Star Wars in the middle finished off with Lucas laughing maniacally. He knows people will watch. Evil, evil man.
this is just like when they made Friday the 13th #37. By then it was just so over done. I mean #35 was good, but #36 and #37 just seemed to reach.
36 did seem a little tacked on. but i kind of like 37. but i guess there will always be people like me that will watch that crap
Poor hobbit. I am grateful and proud.
go bills!
wait, thay aint playing tonight.
If they were, they would be guarenteed a win! Just plowing into those wimpy b.b. players would get them mad points. Really, you would only have to hit one person. Then the rest of the b.b. world would be intimidated. Frightened even.
I would like to see a offensive line take on somw scrowny duke players. Julius Peppers used to play. I bet he would whoop on some dudes
That would be some serious MADNESS!
hey guys! thought id join in considering there seems to be only two of u...
Excellent! I was just going to point out how if we looked around, there would be no one else in the room but us. Spooky. Like, where did everyone else go? And did they fly? Or drive? Or use a giant bee?
Helllllooooooooo good friends....Ok - yum sliders....yum money for George Lucas.....only cause in my fantasy he decides to give me some......and last but not least......yum...pi!!!!
It's like a party now!
mmmmmm... money pi
George's is OPEN!!!!!!!!
I need to use the facilities.
I am there tonight
what is the opposite of Christofer Reeves? Christopher Walken.

Mark it zero, Dude
HAHAHAHA! we took over the blog!!!!


who knew?



GO BILLS!!!!!!!
Go mutinous nephews!
mutinous nephews rule!
Way better than those mutant nephews i saw on NightLine. Those guys were weird. Always being mutant and stuff. Going to Xavier's school for the gifted and learning how to control their powers and then fighting anti-mutant groups with Wolverine. Wait, was that nightline?
Donde esta tu hall pass?
Well, everybody have a good weekend. I love you all!!!!
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