Friday, March 24, 2006


The New Malitia

Nothing is quite as scary as
Nuns with Guns.

Thank you Tom and Kathryn! I feel much better now. I think I frightened Scott when I came over to get the tape.
I do want you to know that it took everything out of me not to bring the air craft carrier upstairs. I kept asking the fuzz ball where it was.
Don't worry Cait. I'm still here my love! Kissy kissy!
Only 133 hours until the next NEW Lost!
Scott described it more as an "invasion" than a visit from the Millsons.
Thank you for the restraint. After Larry called and talked to Malcolm the next ten minutes were spent saying "no Malcolm, we are not going to get the carrier". So, between the two of you . . .
I think that may be yr fault for letting yr kid talk to larry on the phone.
Oh, was an invasion...
I was glad to see you have a tent in your house, but where is your large castle in the middle of your living room. We may have to fix that...
then you can word off the aircraft carrier with the attack strength of the castle. You guys need to have a castle. I am also surprised that you do not have one
Unfortunately, there already is a castle in the house. It just happens to be in Malcolm's room with the barn and the house and few of the trucks.
I am grinning from ear to ear.....all your little guys make my smile....and imho there should be a castle in the living room with an aircraft carrier to protect it...
I am not talking about that little puny castle. I am talking about something that takes up the entire room and then some. It would give purpose to the aircraft carrier and the giant stuffed alligator...oops...I mean...just the air craft carrier. Pay no attention to the giant stuffed alligator.
Along with being in full agreement with the castle - I would also like to put in a request for a slot car track :) Sank you.
Whatever you want fuzzy!
I am not adverse to a bounce house. Think it could be quite fun, and maybe that will actually give me a room that doesn't have other toys in it.
more toys! more toys!
I don't think I like people impersonating my son. Seeing as we don't have internet connection at home, I am pretty sure Malcolm is not chanting for toys (o.k., so I am not sure of that), but I am sure he isn't posting his thoughts :) (unless he has become telepathic in his 2 years - which would be kinda cool, cause then we could sell his freakiness, make lots of money, buy a bigger house and have more room for toys)
Oh mother, I have many talents that you do not yet know of and could not begin to understand. The way do develope these wonderous talents is...TO GET ME MORE TOYS!!! More toys more toys!
Yea Malcolm!!!! More Toys!!!
p.s. please to not refer to my budding talents as "freakiness". It hurts my feelings. You may refer to it as my "brendaniness". Thank you.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! No Brendan powers!!!!!!!! Not my son!!!!!!!!!!
Who is this brendan character?
Yo, did you hear that VH1 is doing a full hour (2pm Sunday) of 99 red ballons? They had a thing if you donated $25, you could pick a video. If you got a group to do $3,500.00 you got an hour. This one guy donated it and asked fo the full hour to be that song. flippin' sweet
p.s. i think it is reefered to as "brendino-ness"
Hast Du etwas Zeit für mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Denkst Du vielleicht grad' an mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Und dass sowas von sowas kommt
I saw an interview w william shatner one time where he said that song creeped him out because all he could understand of it was "Captian Kurk" and he had no idea what they said about him
In case Larry was able to get the toy box from Eileen and you are planning on bringing it in this evening, just wanted to let you know that we may not be home between 6:45 and 7:15. Tom works till 7:00 and MJ and I have to pick him up. Scott will be there again until about 5:30 when I take him home. Blah, blah, blah - just to let you know - sorry about the rambling :)
Excellent! Then there will be no proof that the toy box was previously filled before delivering...
Did you notice jb said reefered???? Hee. Hee.
tee hee hee! :-)
Are you reefering to where i said "reefered"?
Honestly, though, if you guys are going to have some joint effort to weed out my subversive comments, i may just have to bong you all in the head.

heheh bong
See I can't keep up - clever way beyond my abilities....

Malcolm needs more toys!!!! (I CAN keep up with those posts.)
Oh yeah......nuns with guns are sweet.
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Are these guys for real??? Sorry if I offended any math geeks feelings
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A few Math Puzzles to help you through the day
Really, I had no idea

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