Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Now she's hitting on Yoda!

Is their no end to Ming-Ming Tran's
devious behavior?!?

You think a face kicker has quamms? no. Light side, dark side its all the same to my friend Ming Tram
crazy face kicker
Jack Bauer is not afraid of Bruce Lee. Although i did see a home movie of his once where he did a back flip over a basketball net from a stand still. That was pretty sweet
Violinists are always high strung during performances

(oh wait, that's not myagisan, that was my teabag giving me words of wisdom)
How many hours until Lost. Oh I hope that it is a new episode!!!
Thi is what the Wikis have to say about yoda

Do these people have time for anything else??
For all of you Star Wars fans that just need more and find a bit of time on your hands, this may be for you

Good day sir. I said good day!
fictional character, my ass
Imposter that was. Fictional character, I am not. In the force, a disturbance sense I.
GO BILLS!!!!!!!
Lost is a repeat tonight but I did find out that the diarist is writing again. This one says his (or her) brother is being held as an other in the hatch! It could just be a bone to keep us content about no new Lost.

Some other tidbits; Desmond had a Dharma logo on his shirt when he met up with Jack in the stadium. Also, Claire and Michael were in the same room when each was signing to give up their rights to their children.
Where's the blog master today? Is she ill? Working? Ignoring us? How are we ever going to make it to 20 posts without her? :(
one time my friend Ming Tram jumped 13 busses on his bike. it was sweet
I'm traumatized about the Yoda thing.
I have Jack Bauer on conference call about the incident. We should have it taken care of in 24 hours. Or in Jack time, 3 years.
Make it a good day people!
Oh - this stuff is great. Thanks Kathryn for letting me know about this!

Lar/Jen I really thought we were going to catch up around the end of the summer. I still have your number that Maggie gave me -- I will give you a call soon.
Hi Jen - I think I remember that you were the Super Beetles when we were in the fantasy football together, so this must be you. Are you guys still doing that every year? If so, let me know - I would love to be involved again.

Looking forward to keeping in touch with you through this blog.
JACK BAUER!!!!!!!!!
just so you know, almost all of our relatives have myspace pages. cousins i mean. i have found a few of them. quite funny
how weird
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