Tuesday, March 28, 2006


She turned me into a newt!

I got better

Luckily, with this tiny computer, I am still able to blog.
Okay, maybe I didn't get better right away...but I can still blog.
You look prety good for a newt. and i am impressed that you can still blog
Sometimes my little hand thingies get stuck to the keys, but on the whole, it's newt to bad.
Morning Sunshines!!! (I've got nothin')
A dollar to the sibling that guesses what i said. I pulled a Dad this morning. Kris had a dress down day, so when I saw her wearing jeansd and a tee shirt, I said.....

It took me a while to realize that it was a dad-ism.
"What is it - dress like a bum day?"
You got it !!!
put the lime in the coconut...
So when do I get my dollar?
Dude lets put the lime in the coconut and watch Shrek 3-D
That's no fair! It's like he was just waiting at the computer to answer that. And I have sticky paw like hands. I will newt salamand for this!
Yea!!! I would also like a dollar....just because....That kind of stuff always makes me smile..which is the same kind of smile I get when I hear fuzzy and the boys stories....
KRis laughed at it and repeated it. I was like "where did that come from" and then i had to smile cause it reverberated in my mind from when i was a little dude eating oatmeal.
oh, and the dollar is in yr mind
I will also be standing in that dollar line.
By "mind" do you mean the mail?
no, i meant mind.
what are you working on in that photo. it looks like a diploma or something. from salamander U?
graduated from poly-wog

i just wanted to say poly wog
It's a Gingrich watch website. We are sick of him using our name and want it stopped! He is the bane of the N.E.W.T. society and the entire newt world. I am working on falsifying his diploma from Salamander U.
whatt a dumb name
Hey, Hey! That's getting personal!
Easy does it Newt.
i ment for a dude. for a slippery little reptile, that's cool, man, but a speaker of the house, kind of weird
I heard if you put the lime in the coconut, it makes the belly better
No, seriously, put the damn lime in the coconut before someone gets hurt
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