Monday, March 20, 2006


There is a Lunatic Fringe!

(In the orchid world)

Where else do you think the lunatic fringe would hide out. It's the perfect cover!
59 hours until a new Lost!
Happy Spring everyone!!!
Welcome back Mamoo and gang. How was your trip?
Trip was great! Weather was beautiful. We actually had to use the air conditioner in the car on the drive down. Got to sleep with windows open in certain houses - so that was nice. Family are all well. Malcolm tormented my mother's cat :)
Saw a sign on a toy store in Asheville that made me think of Jenny.

"Unattended children will be sold or given a kitten"

:) Ha Ha!!
Hey Brenz - there is also a store in Asheville that sells all Dungeons and Dragons and other role playing game paraphenalia. You should take a trip down!
Where is everybody!!
Morning Sunshines!!! Had to get that in before noon. Welcome back.
I broke my computer, so i have to sneak these in when i can on others. Love yall if i dont come back
glad the trip went well.
I hope jb wasn't using the computer for something other than blogging.....that could have disasterous effects.
A broken computer!!! The horrors!!!
I am putting out an early plea! If someone could tape Lost this Wednesday, I would be deeply appreciative. Of all the days...we are going to a hockey game and I don't think we'll be back in time. Oh stress! And of course, now it's a new one.
unattended vehicles of children and adults will be given a bunny!
I don't believe for a minute that my husband is going to be giving any of these rabbits away. I think you may hear about us in one of those news stories about the family with 354 rabbits which are taken to a nearby soup kitchen...
but bunnies are soooo cute. and fun. you could train the to do funny stuff, and get jack tp memorized things and tank to be the strongman and waffles to be the ring leader w his charm and you guys could become a circus!!!
We went to the circus on Friday. I'm not sure if I want my boys to be part of those shananagins. There were some mighty weird clowns at the circus. And some weirdly painted men acting odd.
Message to the Toy Fairy:

The only toy remaining in the basement at this time is the massively large aircraft carrier.

That is so awesome! Not that I know what you are talking about in reference to the "toy fairy", but if I did, that would just be awesome!
What do you mean no aircraft carrier!?! Little man needs it to play with his rescue heros!
I am playing with the "guys", just not allowed to have the room sized aircraft carrier in the living room. :)
Did anyone else hear from/hear back from Marie about the toybox at Eileen's? Do we know where it is headed?
I like fairies...
If malcolm does not want an aircraft carrier, i could take it off yr hands. That is just what i need to launch an all out turtle atttack on the fish.
I told Aunt Marie that you guys might want it (as we already have one) but I didn't hear anything else from her.
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