Thursday, March 02, 2006


What the?!?

Lost has left me confounded.
In a good way though.

What the heck was Eco doing? That just didn't make sense. John is going to go nutters!
Don't know about Lost, but do like your picture today. Malcolm and I watched them the other day (don't know who they are, but) and he laughed outloud!!
Just so you know, if Jack Bauer was on Oceanic 815, there would be no Lost
Oh, the wonders of Jack Bauer.

I have no idea what the picture is, but it came up when I was searching for Mr. Eko.
When the boogie man goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Jack Bauer
It took Jesus 3 days to rise fronm the dead, Jack did it in and hour, twice
Even my friend Ming Tram is afraid to kick Jack Bauer in the face.

So is no one going to react to my jack bauer stuff? PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!!!!!
If Jack Bauer was gay, he would be Chuck Norris
All I know about Jack Bauer is that he would make a great drinking game. Drink everytime they say his name - you would be drunk in the first 10 minutes of the show.
When you wake up in the morning, it means that Jack Bauer has spared your life for one more day
He once went to Mars. That is why there is no life there
The leading cause of death amongst middle eastern men is Jack Bauer
Speaking of Chuch Norris. Di dyou hear his tears can cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried
If you can see Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris can see you. I you cannot see Chuck Norris, you are only seconds away from death
JACK BAUER!!!!!!!!
hello! jack bauer how jack bauer are jack bauer you jack bauer doing jack bauer? I was sorry to be away from the board so long today. I would have enjoyed the Jack Bauering. Have a jack bauer day! By that I don't mean for it to be a really long day that seems to last for months and months. Nor do I mean for you to fight numerous terrorists and their attempt to harm not only you but the rest on the United States of America. Nor do I mean for you to be up against numerous spys in your workplace which if it's an intelligent agency itself, should probably have a handle on that kind of stuff. I just wanted you to...well, nevermind. Have a Telly Tubby Day!
Why do snow storms have to occur when I am getting ready to travel home? I need a "heavy snow warning" in the morning! Not now! The injustice!
There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
The Bible does not say there were three wise men; it only says there were three gifts.

Stinkin' lousy "wise" men that decided they didn't have to show up with a gift.

I bet you God let them have it.
A good day. ;-)
If Jack Bauer "jack bauered" you would have to change your pants.
If Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer were in celebrity wrestling, who would win?
NO ONE! It's a paradox silly! The world would cease to exsist. Swallowed up in a giant worm hole. It's the same with Charlie Brown and kicking that football.
I am glad to see the Beetles joining in the Jack Bauering.
Phew! I was a bit worried.
In the new Allstate commercials, that dude who does them who was on 24 had to do 57 takes of it because he kept saying "you're in good hands with Jack Bauer"
Jack Bauer once shot down a plane by pointing his fingers in the shape of a gun at it and yelling "Bang!"
he also got a girl pregnant the same way
I can never see that with out thinking "boy, the president must be hard up to be doing Alstate commercials."
Jack Bauer and Superman had a bet as to who could lift more and the loser had to wear his underwear on the outside
Although I would like to see Bill Clinton in a McDonalds ad
Jack Bauer hear that Keifer Sutherland was going to play him. He killed Keifer cause nobody but Jack Bauer plays Jack Bauer
So that's why...
Stupid Kiefer.
When Jack Bauer wants to make a sandwich, he just glares at the food and it moves according to his wishes.
What color is Jack Bauer's blood?

Tick question, JAck Bauer doesn't bleed
Jack Bauer once ate three whole cows in one sitting
Jack Bauer once had a town named after him. They did something to make him mad. It doesn't exsist anymore.
Jack Bauer is really cool!
oh dear
Didn't Jack Bauer make the grand canyon by dragging his axe? or am tyhinking of someone else
Silly Black Sharks. You know Jack Bauer would destroy you just by thinking about it.
Paul Bunyon, but it was cause he was running. Jack Bauer was chasing him.
One time at band camp, Jack Bauer killed an entire woodwind section because they played off key, with a saxaphone
That's right
Bye JB!
My name's not's Jack Bauer!
Drive Safe. Go with Jack Bauer
That seems implausible. The saxaphone is in the brass section.
If everyone did what Jack Bauer said, the show would be called "12"
52 comments???? and I just got a chance to look???? i can't even read them but will check back later. I forgot how sucky report day is....
I'll implausable you!!
Who is this Jack Bauer guy?????
How many cream puffs could Jack Bauer eat? Just curious.
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