Tuesday, April 11, 2006



If anything, it can be a Star Wars Blog.
Better yet, what would Star Wars
have been like with Jack Bauer in it.

I personally don't think C3P-O would have made it through all 6. Jack would have "Bauered" him after listening to him for 2 minutes.
Every 100g of Corn Flakes has 1 mg of East Germany.
40 hours until Lost!
That's not even imagining what he would do to Jar-Jar...

I fear that you may have been up all night concerned about VM taking over this blog. Who exactly is up at 6:30 AM when they are on vacation!!
If Jack Bauer does not like Jar Jar then I do not like Jack Bauer. Jar Jar keeps getting the raw deal. "Mesa thinks Jar Jar getting raw deal"
I can't believe everyone has left me to blog by myself. That is just wrong.

Hope you are all enjoying the sun!!
I'm here Kathryn! I wouldn't leave you. Now that no one else is looking, you can fill me in on what everyone is doing, where everyone lives and when I can surprise visit them.
sorry was sick. are we still on this 24 star wars thing?

vader would have been killed in ep. 2 - for whinning
i still want you jokers out of my pool!!!

I done told js, i work otta da home
so i gather from VM last night that wievel is a suspect again? and gays dont like baseball
There is no VM talk! You may discuss Lost, a show about mysterious others. Not VM, a show with a weasel. And I am not pleased with the lack of Star Wars/Jack Bauer chatter.

I don't think Jack would have been too pleased with Luke's whining either.
Henry has some really evil looks, especially when he is toying with John Locke. He freaks me out.

I do want Sawyer to beat Jack down.
Magnets are the answer. Giant ones.
Jack Bauer would not even use a light saber. he would just kill everyone with his mind. The emperor would have given up and let jack be in charge
also, why was VM asll twin peaks-y with the weird dream things. all ther weird colors and stuff. i was waiting for the smooth jazz to start playing and backwards talking
but jack bauer could beat VM blind folded
and does no one know that thumper is dead yet? wernt the cops looking for him>?
My fellow bloggers, my fellow bloggers why have you forsaken me?
I figured i was the only one working
ps work sux
I concur - work sux. Even more so when you are leaving home and a short person is saying "Mamoo, next to you, pillow"
I ams so confused on the VM thing right now. I am almost as confused with VM as I am with Lost. I only get to watch it in snippets (with the boy and everything) so I come in in the middle of a dream and have to figure my way out of that.
Now that those "diagnosis" have been nixed does this mean that Veronica will be #1 in the class?
what diagnosis was that?
i know that other girl was pissed cause she was not exempt from the tests, which may mean VM has a better chance at doing well on the exams
That other girl had been exempt from the test because she was diagnosed with some sort of "stress" disorder from a local doctor who was being "paid" for these diagnoses. VM's dad was investigating the doctor, found out who it was and then the principal said that no more students would be exempt from tests, etc.
ah, i see

stanford here we come!
GO!!!! ???

Did you know that Stanford does not have a mascot? They are just the Cardinal (as in the color, not the bird, that is why it is singular) Apparently there is also a tree that is part of the band that people mistake for the mascot, but it is not. So . . . GO CARDINAL!!
a band tree? like when they play, it is there?
Dont make me work. I am full of chocolate
You may be full of chocolate, but I am full of marshmallow, and you can't make me go away!!!

You can't melt me!
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