Tuesday, May 02, 2006


The captain has turned off the no dubbing sign...

You are free to speak any language you choose.

Please put your brain under the seat in front of you.
Maybe I dialed wrong. Let me try again. Let's see… "zero".
Mike Nelson, you slay me
It's too nice of a day to be indoors. I am being beaten down by the man.
Oh bubble gum machine headed creature! Where are you in my time of need! The need of bubble gum! An endless supply!
i think some weird swamp creature ate most of his gum. he is just an empty vesssal (which if we remember my lesson in buddism, the only good kind)
Jenny Bawk Bawk is a "sucker" for being held down by the man!!!
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so, paper mache takes more than just flour and water? i was going to make a pinata, but it went horribly ary. but i think i have air dried pretzels
Oh, Man, VM and the Sabres in one night? what do I do?
Please don't upset the delicate balance....I am so very close to the edge.
Well, shows how much "proxy to Malcolm" knows (I'm sure my fuzzy knows the truth) I just escaped for a beautiful walk. Stick it to the man!
Gorgeous! I say gorgeous!

How do you like dem apples!!!!

I may be on a blog power trip.
Only 34 hours until Lost!
mmmmmmmmmm....paper mache paste
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Feel my wrath!
Delete buttons are fun! tee hee!
Notice I do not delete completely so that there is a trace of the infraction. And to show the power of the delete button.
harsh. this blog is now out for blood
I feel better now. It's all kittens and ponies.
Quashing dissent is a sign of weakness.
The more you tighten your fist, the more worlds will slip through your fingers.
Oh yeah man....the delicate balance is once again balanced. How bout some cheese?
I just ate 100 slices of american cheese. I think I'm blind.
I wonder how the bunny carcass is doing?
i was wondering about the carcass as well. i am sure it freaked someone out
I only wish I was down below as I flicked it over the edge. It really cracks me up at how much of a production it was yesterday. Poor little bunny. Thank goodness for rulers!
It's the hundred and first that's the real problem......speaking firsthand.
I am really annoyed to find that Jack Bauer is a 2B! I wasted a whole hour!!
the whole season is a 2b. don't ever bad mouth jack bauer, if you are still even alive, eva. he does everything at his own pace. well, he does meet resistance, cause like i said, if everyone listened to him, the show would be called "12"
How could you say you wasted an hour!?! Anytime with Jack Bauer is well invested time. You should hope he doesn't read this today. (Meaning he does on other days) Cause if he does, he's gunna Jack Bauer you. (That means rough you up old school.)
¡Van Los Gorgojos Estupendos!
I need to know what the term for a fifth of something is. Like a quarter, but with 1/5. Is it just a fifth?
I think it is just "one-fifth"
Jack Bauer is very concerned about the deleted items in this blog. The CIA will be investigating soon.
Who wants to know about a "fifth"? Anyone who drinks knows what a "fifth" is.
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