Thursday, May 11, 2006


Chairry says...

Get your big butt off of me!!!

Randy is not very happy.
Go ahead and scream your head off! We're miles from where anyone can hear you!
By the way...there is no basement in the Alamo.
I need to see this movie again. Just reading the quotes cracks me up. Good ole Pee Wee Herman.
that is a scary picture
i cant believe he had a kids show
He's one messed up dude.
Holy Cow what a Lost! E gads!
What a Sabres game!!!
Oh, and Mamoo and Sleepers, yr prodictions of the crowd at the sports bar were correct. Everybody high-fiving. a guy i see everyday as he is a sherrif and does security was all the sudden my best friend. heheh
They were interviewing a guy who watched the game at the baseball stadium and he said that there was a lot of room between all the people, but after a good play everyone was running through the seats trying to find someone to high-five :)
mecka-lecka hi, mecka hinney-ho
Does everyone have their brooms? We are sweeping tonight!!!!!

it is all because we let the casino into B-lo. The natives have lifted the curse. true story
I know you are but what am I?
I don't make monkies, I just train 'em!
and looked like THIS!!!!!!!!!
I am the very model of a modern Major General. I've information vegitable, animal and mineral. I know the kings of England and I quote the fights historical from Marathon to Waterloo in order catagorical. I'm very well aquainted to the matters mathamatical. I understand the theorums both simple and quadratical. About binomial theorums I'm teeming with a lot of news with many cheerfull facts about the square of the hypotenus
How bizzare. I do to.
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